File No. 123.Os4/122.
Chargé O’Shaughnessy to the Secretary of State.
Mexico, April 22, 1914, 11 p.m.
I was handed my passports tonight at 7.30 o’clock and I leave for Vera Cruz the 24th on a special train with a large escort.
After mature consideration of the actual circumstances surrounding Americans in Mexico in conversation with Carden, and the fact that Mr. Hohler is remaining here as Secretary, and, further, that the Americans and British are very friendly here, I have entrusted this Embassy to the British Legation.73 The Brazilian Minister is leaving shortly, and they have no defense organization. I am notifying consular officers to withdraw from Mexico.
- See post, his telegram of April 26, noon, transmitting notes to and from the British Legation.↩