File No. 812.00/13658.


The report of the committee to which General Carranza’s communication had been referred, when read this morning won applause from all the delegates.

In the preamble regret was expressed that Carranza could not come to the Convention; that the Convention made no charge against him but gave him full credit, rather, for the great work he has done; at the same time it believed his retirement from power indispensable to the organization of a formal government on the basis of revolutionary union; that it was impossible to treat the details of Carranza’s communication but only its principles.

The report consists of seven articles: (1) The necessity for the retirement of Carranza from the Executive Power and of Villa from the command of the Division of the North. (2) The Convention should proceed to name a provisional president. (3) Said provisional president should take oath before the Convention to comply with the program of government emanating from it and with other decisions on social and political reforms required during the pre-constitutional period. (4) Recognition of Carranza as General of Division from the date of the Plan of Guadalupe. (5) A vote of thanks to Carranza and Villa for their patriotic attitude and exalted services. (6) Abolition of all the army corps and divisions; their chiefs, including Villa, to become subject to the war department of the provisional government emanating from the Convention. (7) Notice to Carranza that his stipulation regarding Zapata in his communication on resignation will be discussed when Zapata’s delegates form part of the Convention and recognize its sovereignty.
