File No. 812.00/10833.
Solicitor Folk to the Secretary of State.
Washington, January 31, 1914.
To the Secretary: It has become important to determine the date when Victoriano Huerta became Dictator of Mexico in the sense of President Wilson’s declaration announcing that he will not recognize as legal or binding anything done by Huerta since he became Dictator.
According to the record Huerta assumed to exercise legislative as well as executive authority on October 10, 1913, when he caused to be imprisoned a large number of the members of the Mexican Congress. This date would seem to be the beginning of the Dictatorship. However, the date of the beginning of the Iluerta Dictatorship is a matter to be determined by President Wilson and, of course, the date so fixed will be conclusive.
Will you please let me hear from you on the subject.