File No. 812.00/10712.
Ambassador W. H. Page to the Secretary of State.
London, January 28, 1914.
141. In a long talk with Sir Edward Grey to-day following a long conversation I held with the King on Saturday night, the idea was informally suggested by Grey that the British Government and other European Governments might be willing to request Huerta to resign on two conditions: first, if such a request would be agreeable to the President; and second, if the President will present a definite plan whereby after Huerta’s resignation the pacification of Mexico may be expected. It is thought here that Huerta would feel that he could save his face by yielding to the request of several strong [powers] in a way he would not feel if he resigned at the pressure of the United States only. Mexican refugees and residents here inform me that such a plan would also cause the ruling class in Mexico to feel that their nationality would suffer less humiliation. Huerta would probably demand conditions.
Please telegraph me at the earliest hour possible the feeling of the President with regard to this proposal. If he be favorably disposed please inform me also whether he has a plan to present of a government to follow Huerta which the British, the German and the Spanish Governments might support and what conditions imposed by Huerta would be acceptable to the President.
If the President be hospitable to this general idea and will propose a tentative plan for discussion I believe that the moral support of Europe can be got. Sir Edward Grey informally expressed his approval. The King is much interested.