File No. 711.654/8.

The Secretary of State to the Honorable Charles B. Smith.

Sir: Referring to your letter of June 5, 1914, and the Department’s reply of June 19,1 regarding your proposal to introduce in Congress a resolution looking to the negotiation by this Department of a naturalization treaty with Italy with the object of permitting Italians who have become naturalized American citizens to return to their native land for a visit without the liability of arrest for a violation of the laws of that country with regard to military duty, I beg to quote for your information the following, which has just been received from the American Ambassador at Rome under date of September 9 in reply to the Department’s instruction of June 19 with which a copy of your letter of June 5 was enclosed:

[Quotes Mr. Page’s September 9, 1914.]

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Robert Lansing
  1. Inclosures 1 and 2 with the Department’s June 19, 1914, to the Ambassador.