File No. 365.117/29a.
The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Page.
Washington, September 21, 1914.
30. Inform Italian Government Department has learned with deep regret of arrest and detention in Italy, for military service, of numerous naturalized American citizens of Italian birth who are domiciled in this country and temporarily visiting Italy. Most of them have dependent wives and children in the United States.
Ask that arrangements be made for their release and permission to return to their families in this country.
Mention provisions of Section 2. Expatriation Act, March 2, 1907, and Section 15, Naturalization Act, June 29, 1906, and say this Government has no desire to intervene for persons whose naturalizations were not obtained in good faith, or who have expatriated themselves by protracted residence in Italy.
Ask whether distinctions cannot be made in applying military service law. Emphasize fact that great distress will be caused wives and children in this country of American citizens impressed into Italian army.
Mention particularly case of John Ciappone, naturalized September 24, 1902; went to Italy to visit parents two months ago, leaving wife and five children in Berlin, Connecticut, without support. He is detained at Palermo. Particulars concerning other cases will be telegraphed shortly.