File No. 365.117/8.

The Secretary of State to Ambassador O’Brien.

No. 139.]

Sir: The Department sends you herewith a copy of its printed circular of March 18, 1901, entitled “Notice to American Citizens formerly Subjects of Italy who contemplate returning to that Country”1 in which it is said that Italian subjects are liable for the performance of military duty between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine years. You will also find enclosed a copy of a letter2 of May 29, 1913, from Mr. Michael Tornillo, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, in which he says that the Italian military law has recently been changed and that the age limit is now thirty-two years.

You will please ascertain from the Italian Government and inform the Department as to the true age limit under the Italian military law.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
J. B. Moore