File No. 833.00/1065.

Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.


New Minister for Foreign Affairs called by appointment at the Legation yesterday evening and after a two hours interview during [Page 370] which the points of your November 12, 2 p.m., and your November 16, 11 a.m., were discussed and their adoption pressed by me, the following conclusions were reached:

He had no knowledge of Doctor Bobo’s counter-project cabled under date of December 12, 11 p.m.

As to one [first point in the telegram November 12, 2 p.m.], Customs Convention: it was an impossibility.

Two, National Railroad Company of Haiti: stay of proceedings to December 28 could be extended and question settled at Washington through the good offices of the Department between the Company and Menos, Haitian Minister, who would receive full power to that end in lieu of a commission of three members.

Three, Bank: the Haitian Government has no desire to issue paper money but it was compulsory, a case of force majeure. The bill would be adopted but would contain a clause specifying that in case of agreement with the Bank the issue would not be made. (This was confirmed by Minister for Foreign Affairs during my visit this afternoon to return his call.) Proposition of agreement had been made by the Government to the Bank. Should they fail, the Haitian Government would be willing through the good offices of the Department to have the question settled in Washington by the Bank and Minister Menos, specially accredited above.

Four: accepted.

Five: accepted.

Six: accepted.

The above was confirmed in a lengthy note verbale received late this afternoon.

I respectfully submit the above to Department’s favorable consideration and request instruction as to recognition under changed conditions.
