File No. 838.00/960.

Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State 5


The Palace, the military headquarters and the port office were attacked at eleven o’clock last night. Rebels were repulsed after ten minutes fighting. No fatalities reported among the Government forces but several wounded. Several rebels have been captured and executed within the last few days. Indications are that General Defly, refugee at German Legation, is the leader of the recent disturbances. Government authorities assure us of their ability to prevent uprisings but they also express fear of defection of troops if trouble continues and protest against the arbitrary and indefinite harboring of political refugees by certain foreign legations. Cape Haitien attacked by rebels early this morning but they were repulsed with considerable loss.

  1. The new Minister assumed the duties of his post on July 14, 1914; Mr. Smith had left on July 7.