File No. 339.11/16.

The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.

No. 69.]

Sir: The Department has received your No. 103 of the 3d instant, reporting that your Legation [etc.]

In reply the Department desires to say that you will endeavor to come to an understanding with the Dominican Government along the lines of the following directions in regard to the drafting of persons claiming to be Porto Ricans:

The Dominican Government should notify you promptly of any person drafted who claims to be a Porto Rican entitled to American nationality and protection. If it appears, prima facie, that his claim of nationality is well founded, you will request his suspension from service until the question of nationality can be determined by the Department, and to this end you will send to the Department all the evidence obtainable bearing on the matter.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Robert Lansing