File No. 830.00/1245.

The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.


You are instructed to immediately send a copy of the following to Commander of U. S. S. Washington via radio on U. S. S. stationed at Santo Domingo City in Navy code, requesting Commander Washington to first present his proposition verbally to President Bordas and if he accedes to it to then present it verbally to leaders of all factions:

The Government of the United States finds itself in the position that it can not remain passive any longer in the face of the unsettled state of affairs which is devastating the Republic of Santo Domingo and impeding the fulfillment of the Convention of 1907 and it will be obliged to take the most effective steps to restore order in those sections of the Republic where the operations of the customs houses are being affected and where the lives and property of foreigners are in danger.

But the United States being desirous to avoid the necessity of taking these steps appeals to the patriotism of the contending leaders in order that they may through their own high-minded motives put an end to this state of unrest which now prevails.

United States suggests as a means to effect this end that any candidate who has announced his candidacy and any leader of any political faction who intends to announce his candidacy for the presidency shall publicaly withdraw his name and give his support to an honest and upright citizen of Santo Domingo who has no connection with politics or with the present situation and one who should be able to give to the country civil and legislative reforms which are necessary.

The United States will use all means in its power to aid in the holding of free and fair elections and will support the constitutionally elected president.
