File No. 839.00/1071.

Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.


Your February 24, 11 p.m. Bordas answers that if you permit Dominican Government to pay back salaries followers of Arias will be few and easily overcome. If Provisional Government has to continue hand to mouth policy with civil employees demanding payment and enraged at the Government for its failure to respond Arias becomes a more serious factor. If the proposed loan or some other similar relief is not forthcoming immediately Bordas desires to temporize with Arias and desires immediate information about your attitude. He asks for answer to following questions: Can the loan be made by Executive order? If not, is there any way of immediately paying back salaries? If not, will you protect the commission sent to deal with Arias? Bordas will refuse Arias’ irreducible demand for Vice Presidential nomination. Vidal with more intelligence and education seeking Vice Presidential nomination also and willing to break with Arias. I have had interview with Vidal and believe that as result he will side with law and order. Bordas claims that with salaries paid and with funds to support campaign for two months Arias would be for ever eliminated and that all constitutional reforms asked for can be assured. It will be observed Congress has not quorum in the capital and Constitutional Convention is beating time waiting to see whether it is best to refuse Government demand your suggested reforms. Bordas will call election [Page 212] shortly so that successor may be elected in time assume office at end of constituted term of office; by new law if Constitutional Convention makes one and by old law if it fails to act. Smuggling by Arias violates 1907 convention so seriously as to depress all business in the north and cause marked losses in customs receipts. Vick is reporting to me in detail on this subject. I earnestly recommend prompt and decided action which will mean the triumph of Government’s Latin American policy. Arias with Zamor in Monte Cristi today and sends news of fact to the capital to intimidate. Bordas pleads that you inform him before the twenty-eighth whether you will supply means so that he may proclaim Arias. He cannot delay longer responding to the demands of Arias for meeting and destitute of funds his position is untenable.
