File No. 823.00/168.
The Peruvian Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, May 16, 1914.
Sir: I have the honor to inform yon that Congress met yesterday and that it elected a Provisional President, whose duty it will be to call for an election of Constitutional President of the Republic.
The Provisional Junta of Government, that has held executive power in Peru since February 4, relinquished its mandate to Congress, and in consequence a Provisional President has been elected, in the person of Colonel Oscar Benavides.
President Benavides was sworn in by Congress, and has constituted the Cabinet with the following personnel: Premier and Minister of War and Marine, General Pedro Muñiz; Minister of the Interior, Senor Hildebrando Fuentes; Minister of Justice and Instruction, Señor Luis Julio Menendez; Minister of Commerce and Finance, Señor Luis Felipe Villaran; Minister of Fomento and Public Works, Senor Joaquin Capelo; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sefior Fernando Gazzani.
Accept [etc.]