File No. 718.1915/230.
Minister Hale to the
Secretary of State.
No. 49.]
American Legation,
San José,
December 5, 1914.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of the Department’s telegram of November 25, and to enclose copy
of a letter which I sent to the Foreign Office on November 30.
[Page 1024]
I have not yet received a reply to my letter, but will forward copy of
that as soon as it comes to hand.
I have [etc.]
Minister Hale to
the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
No. 59.]
American Legation,
San José,
November 30, 1914
Excellency: I have the honor to represent
to your excellency that my Government has heard that there is some
danger from collision between Costa Rica and Panama over the
disputed boundary which has recently been in arbitration. I am
instructed to use my good offices with your excellency’s Government
to urge that no action be taken which could provoke hostilities
until an amicable adjustment of the differences can be reached.
A similar instruction has been sent to our Minister at Panama, as the
Government of the United States is desirous of doing all that it can
do to secure an amicable settlement of a dispute which has for so
long a time threatened the friendly relations of these neighbor
Trusting that the offer of my good offices in this important matter
may be acceptable to your excellency’s Government,
I have [etc.]