File No. 511.4A1/1499.

The Minister of the Netherlands to the Secretary of State.

No. 3717.]

Mr. Secretary of State: By order of my Government I have the honor to inform your excellency that the Third International Opium Conference, which met at The Hague in June last, decided in its Final Protocol that the Powers that ratified the Opium Convention might declare their intention to put it into operation by signing a protocol to be opened for the purpose at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at The Hague.

[Page 938]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs at The Hague deems it his duty to act upon the decision of the Opium Conference by informing the States that have ratified the convention that a protocol, drawn up in accordance with the opinion rendered by the Conference, has been opened at the Department of Foreign Affairs at The Hague.

Your excellency will please find herewith a proof of the protocol, together with a copy of the Final Protocol of the Third International Opium Conference.

Accept [etc.]

W. L. F. C. De Rappard
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Final Protocol of the Third International Opium Conference, 1914.

The Third International Opium Conference, convoked by the Government of the Netherlands in accordance with the third provision of the Final Protocol of the Second Conference, met at The Hague, in the Hall of the Knights, on June 15, 1914.

The Governments hereinafter enumerated took part in the Conference, for which they had appointed the following delegates:

[Here follow the names of the Governments and their delegates.] At a series of meetings held from the 15th to the 25th of June, 1914, the Conference, having examined the question submitted to it under the third provision of the Final Protocol of the Second Conference—

A. Expressed the following opinions:

I. That it is possible to put the International Opium Convention of January 23, 1912, into operation, notwithstanding the fact that certain Powers invited in pursuance of paragraph 1 of article 23 have not yet signed the convention.

II. That the convention shall go into effect among the Signatory Powers as soon as the Powers that have signed it and those that have expressed their intention of adhering thereto have ratified it. The date upon which the convention will go into effect shall be that fixed by paragraph 1 of article 24.

III. That if at a date to be determined by the Conference all the Signatory Powers have not yet deposited their ratifications it shall be allowable for those Signatory Powers whose ratifications have at that date been deposited to put the convention into effect. The same provision is made for those Signatory Powers that successively deposit their ratifications after that date.

IV. That the date contemplated by III shall be December 31, 1914.

V. That the power of acceding to the convention do remain open to the Powers that have not yet signed it.

B. Decided:

That a protocol shall be opened at The Hague by which the Signatory Powers disposed to avail themselves of the provision made by III may declare their intention of putting the convention into effect.

His Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, satisfying the desire unanimously expressed by the Conference, has consented to draw up this protocol, which will remain open for signature.

C. Unanimously adopted the following resolution:

The Conference invites His Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands to make, in the name of the Conference, urgent and respectful representation to those Signatory Powers that have neither ratified the convention nor expressed their intention of so doing, with a view to induce them to declare themselves ready at an early date to deposit their ratifications, in order that the convention may go into effect as soon as possible.

In witness whereof the delegates have affixed their signatures to this protocol.

[Page 939]
[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

Protocol relative to putting into effect the International Opium Convention.

The undersigned, having been authorized by their respective Governments in pursuance of the provision in III of the Final Protocol of the Third International Opium Conference, declare that their Governments, having ratified the International Opium Convention of January 23, 1912, intend to put it into effect.

For the Powers that sign the protocol before December 31, 1914, the convention will go into effect on that date; for the Powers that sign the Protocol after Decembr 31, 1914, the convention will go into effect on the day of signature.