File No. 312.62/97.
Vice Consul Bevan to the Secretary of State.
Tampico, August 4, 1914, 9 p.m.
Your August 3, 6 p.m. Constitutionalist authorities sent armed force on board the German Antonina this afternoon at six o’clock and searched ship. Captain was called to custom house and while there put under arrest, force having been sent on board in his absence. German Consul was also detained on board until after search was completed. This office requested that both the master of the ship and the Consul be released and request was granted but not until after search was made. The alleged criminals, Dr. Virgilio Villanueva, surgeon in Federal Army, and Manuel Pazas were not found. Captain informed me that several Mexicans left the ship in Vera Cruz after learning that it was bound for Tampico and were still on the passenger list. Dr. Villanueva, he belieyes, escaped over the side as soon as the boarding doctor advised him that he would be executed if he came ashore. Captain will be required to make statement to-morrow regarding disappearance of Villanueva.