File No. 312.41/138.

Special Agent Carothers to the Secretary of State.


I have just received telegram from Villa as follows:

Referring to your telegram of the 23rd, I state to you that inasmuch as I have fears that it would create greater disturbance by delivery of the body of Benton it is not possible for me at this time to have the pleasure of complying with the desires that are expressed through you by the greatly respected Mr. Bryan, Secretary of State of the American Government; but in order to stop the malevolent comments that this refusal might create, I am disposed that a representative of the Government of the United States and another of the English Government as well as the family of Mr. Benton may come to see it in this city of Chihuahua where it is interred. Receive my affectionate salutation.


Francisco Villa.

This has caused me defer departure until receive further instructions. I suggest that I arrange trip for this commission and accompany party to Chihuahua to avoid further complications. I can arrange special train immediately when necessary. Also suggest that American or English representative be an army surgeon. British Consul expected here to-night. Both Cobb and I will be very discreet in dealing with him pending instructions from you.

G. C. Carothers