File No. 312.52/230.

Special Agent Carothers to the Secretary of State.


Just received following telegram from Sub-Secretary Fabela:

Chihuahua, April 14, 1914, 4 pm.

Referring to your representation to First Chief of Constitutionalist Army regarding the misinterpretation of Secretary of State in Washington on the attitude of First Chief as to representations made by American Government in matters of foreigners not Americans, I have the honor to inform you that if representative of foreign government accredited to United States Government makes the request to the First Chief through the Secretary of State and the Consular representatives such representations will be received and given attention with the understanding that the form which you suggested verbally will be accepted by the First Chief. I write you today. Receive an affectionate salutation.


Verbal form referred to means that in body of telegram of instruction you state that representation is made at request of foreign power’s representative in Washington as you have been doing lately. I anticipate no further question on this matter.

G. C. Carothers