File No. 312.52/224.

Special Agent Carothers to the Secretary of State.


This morning rather serious situation arose. Acting Secretary Foreign Relations Fabela informed me that Department is in error as to interpretation of Carranza’s reply116 to Consul Simpich at Agua Prieta by inferring that Carranza agreed to accept representations regarding foreigners not Americans through American representatives; that original reply given Simpich clearly stated that Carranza agrees to receive such representations when requested to do so by Ambassador or Minister of country having no consular representative. He contends that such requests from Ministers should be made direct to him after which he will accept representations through our agents as a matter of information. I have requested him to state definitely if statement by you in telegrams containing representations that such request had been made made to you by ministers would be sufficient or if he insists positively that ministers must first notify him that they had requested you to act in their behalf. I have been unable to secure reply but am promised one tomorrow.

My representations were made through Fabela because I desire to submit instructions from you before seeing Carranza personally on this subject. This incident is what is holding up his reply to my communication in writing to him regarding your telegram April 6, to which I asked for reply in writing.

G. C. Carothers
  1. See footnote 114, second paragraph.