File No. 312.52/161 a.
The Secretary of State to Special Agent Carothers.
Washington, February 9, 1914.
On December 12 Jose and Agustin Gonzalez, brothers and Spanish subjects, conducting restaurant and fish market at Chihuahua, were found dead in cemetery of that place, circumstances pointing to formal execution. Spanish Government deeply interested. In course of your conversation with Villa regarding Department’s telegram of February 6, bring up this case as an instance of the deplorable effect of any mischance of foreigners in territory under control of Constitutionalists. Emphasize strongly interest of Spanish and American Governments in this case. Impress upon him the advantage and increased confidence he would gain from enforcing a rigid investigation and adequate punishment of those guilty. Failure to fix responsibility will cause highly unfavorable impression of Constitutionalists in the United States as well as throughout the civilized world.