File No. 812.6363/111.
Consul Miller to the Secretary of State.
Tampico, June 15, 1914, 8 p.m.
Since withdrawal of troops of General Caballero from Panuco-Topila section, conditions have not been so well. Much uneasiness is felt by Americans. A. W. Stevenson, who has place near Topila, reports that two men hung his Chinese cook up by feet until he disclosed where his money was hid. Penrose of National Oil Company reports two anti-American demonstrations having taken place at his oil camp near Panuco since departure of Caballero troops. Tampico officials can do nothing as Pamico-Topila district under jurisdiction of General Candido Aguilar with whom this official can not communicate at present. Respectfully request that representations be made that will cause General Candido Aguilar to place good and sufficient protection in Panuco-Topila district, otherwise all work may have to be shut down. Now many unemployed men in city and a few will have to be sent back to States at Government expense, they are destitute. Request instructions cover such cases.