File No. 812.6363/95.

The British Ambassador to Counselor Lansing.

Dear Mr. Lansing: With reference to the status quo convention I have just received a telegram from Sir E. Grey authorizing me to conclude an agreement in the form of an exchange of notes to the effect that diplomatic support shall not be given to claims to property put forward, after normal conditions have returned, by companies or individuals who have induced Mexican owners to transfer to them properties actually leased to other parties on the ground that the latter have not paid rent due, when in reality inability to pay rent is the result of the disorders which may be said to have begun April 21st. My Government also entirely concurs with the terms of the telegrams sent out to the consuls at Vera Cruz and Tampico on the 20th. They would also be glad to see the same principle applied to unfair requisitions of mining properties throughout Mexico. Of course it is understood that no restriction is placed on legitimate operations by bona fide methods and not by taking advantage of the disorders.

Yours sincerely,

Cecil Spring Rice