File No. 812.00/11689.
Consul Canada to the Secretary of State.
Vera Cruz, April 24, 1914, 4 p.m.
More authentic details from Mexico City as follows. About 125 women and children removed from train between Irapuato and San Juan del Rio on Mexican Central Railroad by train crew and left. Train has been sent from Mexico City searching for them. American railroad officials unable furnish any information about them as they are not now in Chargé. These people were residents of Guanajuato District. Number people left Pachuca and neighborhood for Mexico City and due there Wednesday afternoon.
Mobs in city entered Porters Hotel insulting guests and breaking windows. All guests moved other hotels, proprietors came Vera Cruz. Windows American Club broken, also those of American Photo Supply Company and Sanborn’s Drugstore. Fiskes Curiosity Shop on Gante Street sacked, loss estimated 50,000 pesos. Conscription by Huerta Government for three days ending 22d very heavy after which men began to volunteer. Two hundred fifty workmen taken from their work Saturday last for army. Last Sunday and Monday approximately 2,000 men forced into army. American colony well organized for defense. All foreign colonies have concentrated zone of defense to facilitate handling. All foreigners well armed. Greatest fear in rush of mobs. Considerable apprehension throughout foreign colony. Practically all business houses closed Tuesday six p.m. Tuesday afternoon stores barred all windows and doors, leaving only side entrances open for transaction of business. More demonstrations on Wednesday. Streets filled with processions of men.
Just informed O’Shaughnessy has informed Admiral Fletcher he and Embassy staff on train due here this afternoon. Ward Liner Mexico sails at five p.m. for Galveston with six hundred refugees. [Page 676] Those left will be placed on board Hancock temporarily and sent to States as soon as possible.