File No. 812.00/13994.

Vice Consul Silliman to the Secretary of State.


The following is a textual translation of the telegraphic instruction sent to Convention commander at Naco by General Gutiérrez in response to representations of the Secretary of State in Department’s December 9, 1 p.m., to me.84

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President Gutiérrez to Governor Maytorena.

To Governor José María Maytorena,
Kilometer Six, before Naco, Sonora:

Mr. Silliman has just shown me a telegram which was sent him from Washington signed by Mr. Bryan in which he is instructed to call upon me and make me see the gravity of the situation in Naco because of the attacks which have been made there and have resulted in the deaths of a considerable number of Americans by bullets which have passed from the other side of the border.

As this is quite a serious matter and one in which we should make a prompt resolution on account of the results that could develop if this condition is not remedied, will you be good enough to proceed in the most [omission] manner in order that in the future you may prevent bullets from your forces from passing to American territory, and, if it be necessary, even suspend the attack until new orders, in order to prevent difficulties with the United States, a country with which we should be united by friendly ties.

I trust that you will be good enough to attend to these orders and to advise me of the result.

I greet you [etc.]

The Provisional President of the Republic,
General E. Gutiérrez.

  1. See last paragraph of Department’s telegram of that date to Mr. Canada.