File No. 21641/10.
Chargé Harvey to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Bucharest, February 7,
No. 54, Bulgarian series.]
Sir: Referring to the matter of the extradition
of Vahan Nalbandian, the subject of my No. 52, Bulgarian series, of the
5th instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation
of a note this day received from the Bulgarian Legation in this city,
stating that they will surrender the said Nalbandian, and a copy of my
reply thereto.
I have, etc.,
The Royal Bulgarian
Legation to Chargé Harvey.
[Note verbale.]
Bucharest, January 23,
No. 78—Urgent.]
In reply to the verbal requests made by M. le Chargé d’Affaires of
the United States in regard to the search for and arrest of one
Vahan Nalbandian, the royal legation of Bulgaria has the honor to
inform the legation of the United States of America that according
to a communication from the royal ministry for foreign affairs the
individual in question has just been arrested by the authorities of
In bringing the foregoing to the knowledge of the honorable legation
of the United States the royal legation of Bulgaria has the honor to
beg it to take the necessary steps at its earliest convenience and
request the extradition of the said V. Nalbandian of the royal
Government, annexing the necessary papers.
[Inclosure 2.]
Chargé Harvey
to the Royal Bulgarian
[Note verbale.]
American Legation,
Bucharest, February 7,
The diplomatic agency of the United States of America has the honor
to acknowledge the receipt of the note verbale of the royal legation
of Bulgaria of January 23 and February 5, in which the royal
legation informs this agency that Vahan Nalbandian
[Page 124]
has been arrested by the authorities
at Silistra, and requests this agency to take the necessary steps as
soon as possible to obtain the extradition of the said Nalbandian
from the Royal Government.
The agency has the honor to inform the royal legation that it has
telegraphed to the American authorities as to the above facts, and
that it has received word from the chief of police of Lynn, Mass.,
where the alleged murder took place, that the necessary documents
are being prepared and will be dispatched from America with all the
haste that is possible.