Consul Moffat to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Moffat states that revolutionary Gens. Estrada, Chamorro, Farnos Diaz, and Secretary Diaz have indicated to him, in a jointly signed document, their earnest desire to send to Managua Gen. Fornos Diaz, who has very great influence with Madriz, anticipating to prevail upon Madriz in the interest of peace to accept Gen. Estrada as the provisional President of Nicaragua, thereby preventing any further strife and bloodshed.

Mr. Moffat says the signers are convinced that peace can be arranged and that the dignity and honor of all can be preserved.

Mr. Moffat also says that Fornos Diaz, as their commissioner of peace, who is without the means of transportation from Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, to Corinto, respectfully petitions the courtesy that a naval vessel be sent to Punta Arenas to receive and transport him to Corinto and return to Punta Arenas.

Adds that if the mission is a failure revolutionary operations will be resumed at once.