
The President of Mexico to President Taft.

Great and Good Friend: The sincere and legitimate desire which I feel to express to your nation and to Your Excellency the profound thanks of the people and of the Mexican Government for the demonstration of sympathy with which Your Excellency has been pleased to distinguish them in sending a special embassy to the festivals of the first centennial of the proclamation of the independence of Mexico, has impelled me to appoint Señor don Joaquin D. Casasus, senator to the congress of the union, as special ambassador to present to you these expressions of my most justified gratitude. In reiterating them in this capacity, he will trasmit to you likewise the wishes which I form for the sincere and indissoluble friendship of Mexico for the United States of America.

With the intimate conviction that you will give a favorable welcome to Señor Licenciado don Joaquin D. Casasus, I beg you to give entire faith and belief to whatever he may say to you in my name, and, above all, when he assures you of the satisfaction with which I hope to see strengthened and extended the good intelligence which happily exists between the United Mexican States and the United States of America.

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In this firm belief I take advantage of the opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of the high esteem and unalterable friendship with which I am, great and good friend,

Your loyal and good mend,

Porfirio Diaz.

[l. s.] Enrique Creel.