File No. 812.415a/117b.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.

Excellency: Referring to the call of Señor Ricoy at the department on Wednesday last, at which time he requested information on the following three points regarding the sending of this Government’s commission to the centennial celebration of Mexico in September next: First, complete and accurate list of the members of the commission, including ladies; second, place and time of the entry of the commission on Mexican territory; and, third, date upon which the Mexican Government was officially notified of the appointment of the commission—I have the honor to inform you as follows:

Other than Ex-Gov. Curtis Guild, jr., of Massachusetts, who will go to Mexico as the special ambassador of President Taft, the party will [Page 715] consist of Representative David J. Foster, of Vermont, heading the commission, accompanied by Mrs. Foster; Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory; Senator Simon Guggenheim, of Colorado;1 Senator Coe I. Crawford, of South Dakota, accompanied by Mrs. Crawford; Representative William M. Howard, of Georgia;1 Representative Edwin Denby, of Michigan;1 Justice James W. Gerard, of the supreme court of New York State, accompanied by Mrs. Gerard; Gen. Harrison Gray Otis, of California, accompanied by his granddaughter, Miss Marian McPherron; Charles Alexander Rook, of Pennsylvania, accompanied by Mrs. Rook; and the disbursing officer, Robert J. Shanley, of Vermont.

The commission will leave Washington on the evening of Wednesday, August 31, going via St. Louis over the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Iron Mountain route, and the Mexican National lines, reaching the first point in Mexican territory, Neuvo Laredo, at about 12.30 p.m. (Mexican time), September 2. A note to your embassy, dated June 29 last, officially notified your Government of the appointment of this commission.

I have the honor to advise you further that a telegram was sent yesterday to our embassy at Mexico City, giving the information desired by your Government on these three points, and instructing our ambassador to communicate its substance immediately to your Government.

Accept, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.
  1. Unable to accompany commission. Representative James L. Slayden, of Texas, accompanied by Mrs. Slay den, and Representative George W. Fairchild, of New York, accompanied by Mrs. Fairchild, were added to the above-named commission.
  2. Unable to accompany commission. Representative James L. Slayden, of Texas, accompanied by Mrs. Slay den, and Representative George W. Fairchild, of New York, accompanied by Mrs. Fairchild, were added to the above-named commission.
  3. Unable to accompany commission. Representative James L. Slayden, of Texas, accompanied by Mrs. Slay den, and Representative George W. Fairchild, of New York, accompanied by Mrs. Fairchild, were added to the above-named commission.