Minister Squiers to the Secretary of State.
Panama, June 17, 1909.
Sir: Referring to department’s cipher cable of June 12,1 last, stating department’s views on the attitude of the Colombian and Panaman Governments toward ratification of the Columbian-Panama-United States treaty, I have the honor to say that I have read a translation of the cable to Mr. Lewis, minister for foreign affairs, who said that so far as his Government is concerned everything has been done, and the treaty now only lacks the approval of the Colombian Government. He further said that the Colombian Government, of the three contracting parties, has the most to lose through failure to ratify, and that it would be impossible to negotiate another treaty, in the event that this one fails of ratification, containing the same advantageous provisions.
I have, etc.,
- Probably means telegram of June 11, ante.↩