Chargé Schuyler to the Secretary of State.

No. 1260.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence on the proposed opium conference, and especially to my telegram of October 26, I have the honor to inform you that I am now in receipt of a note (No. 68) from the minister for foreign affairs, copies of which I inclose. The substance of this note I sent you last night by cable.

I have, etc.,

Montgomery Schuyler.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Chargé Schuyler.

No. 68.]

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: In acknowledging the receipt of his excellency the ambassador’s note No. 498 dated the 7th October last and his correspondence, desiring the Imperial Government to communicate him at the earliest practicable time its views on the “tentative program” to be proposed by the United States Government at the international opium conference, and regarding the convening of the conference at an early date, I beg to state that the said program having been referred to the respective authorities concerned and careful consideration been thereto given by them, I am now in receipt of their replies to the effect that as regards the substance of the proposals the respective authorities have no objection thereto, but as to its details they beg to reserve their views until they are set forth at the conference. To the convening of the conference at an early date the authorities take also no exception whatever. They desire, however, in view of the necessary preparations that the notice thereof should reach them at least three months in advance. I therefore beg to request that you will be so good as to communicate to the above effect to the United States Government.

Accept, etc.,

Count Komura.