File No. 511. 4A1/914.

The Secretary of State to Minister Beaupré.


Mr. Knox instructs Mr. Beaupré to refer to paragraph 3, instruction No. 168, September 27, in which proposals of the British Government regarding morphine and cocaine were to be brought to the attention of the Netherlands minister for foreign affairs so that he would be in a position to notify the interested Governments of the British proposals when issuing invitations for the conference. Mr. Knox further instructs Mr. Beaupré to inform the minister for foreign affairs that it is the express desire of Great Britain that the other Governments should be prepared to discuss the morphine and cocaine questions in the conference, and that they be requested to undertake the indispensable preliminary inquiries into the trade conditions and to collect statistics as to the export and manufacture of these drugs. Mr. Knox adds that the United States Government has completed its study of these questions and the British Government has set on foot the necessary inquiries on their part.