File No. 11302/47.
The Argentine Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, September 11, 1909.
Mr. Secretary of State: My Government having, with much pleasure, accepted the exalted honor which, according to a notice duly communicated to it by the honorable board of directors of the International Bureau of American Republics, has been conferred upon the city of Buenos Aires, by designating it, pursuant to the vote of the Rio de Janeiro conference, as the seat of the Fourth Pan American Congress, to be held in Buenos Aires in 1910, the year in which the Argentine Republic will celebrate the first centennial of her independence, and making sure of the privilege attached to the said designation, has decided to appoint the first fortnight of the month of July of this year for the holding of the conference, the exact date for the opening of the solemnity to be indicated at the proper time.
Wherefore, my Government, with a view to complying with the exalted duties imposed upon it by the said resolution of the International Bureau of American Republics, has charged me with the honor of inviting, in its name, your excellency’s Government to participate in the coming fourth conference with the special request [Page 13] that if the invitation, as is hoped and ardently desired, is accepted, your excellency will at once inform my Government as to the number of delegates the United States of America will be represented by and, if possible, as to their names and titles, thereby helping to expedite the preparatory labors of the congress. I am likewise ordered to advise your excellency that as soon as I shall receive from the bureau the program of the conference I shall communicate it to your Government.
Expressing, in advance, to your excellency the great pleasure with which my Government would see the United States honor the invitation I have the honor of tendering them in its name, and hoping there will be no difficulty in acquiescing in the requests I have made in connection therewith,
I avail, etc.,