File No. 14503/85.
Minister Sherrill
to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Aires, June 18,
No. 428.]
Sir: I have the honor to report, supplementing
my No. 387 of the 25th ultimo,1 that I have to-day received from the minister for
foreign affairs an acknowledgment of the congratulations, transmitted
through this legation from the President and from yourself upon the
occasion of the centenary anniversary of Argentine independence. A copy
and translation of the minister’s note are inclosed herewith in
I have, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Minister Sherrill.
Foreign Office,
Aires, June 17,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s communication of May
25, which requests me, in accordance with instructions received from
your Government, to repeat the telegrams of congratulation received
from His Excellency President Taft to His Excellency President
Figueroa Alcorta upon the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary
of the revolution of May, and in which your excellency has been good
enough to convey from his excellency the Secretary
[Page 10]
of State, Hon. Philander C. Knox, the
congratulations and good wishes of your Government on our national
Upon the receipt of such kind’ as well as spontaneous
congratulations, I take upon myself the pleasant duty of repeating
again the expression of profound gratification of the Argentine
Government for the eloquent proofs of true friendship which it has
received once again from the great Nation of which you are the
distinguished representative.
I therefore request your excellency to be good enough to transmit to
the Hon. Mr. Knox expressions of these sentiments and beg that your
excellency will receive with my personal thanks the assurances of my
most distinguished consideration and my special esteem.