File No. 14503/63.
The Argentine Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, June 14, 1910.
Mr. Secretary of State: Under instructions that have just been sent me by telegraph by the minister of foreign relations, it affords me true gratification to present to your excellency, in the name of my Government, the expression of its thankful acknowledgment of the highly sympathetic form in which your excellency’s Government was pleased to join in the festivals which took place at Buenos Aires on the occasion of the centennial of our independence, by sending, for the purpose, a brilliant delegation consisting of distinguished naval officers in command of important units and bringing as ambassador extraordinary a personage of the eminent station of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood.
I may assure your excellency that the Argentine people and Government have not failed duly to appreciate this marked demonstration of your excellency’s Government and holding it as a fresh evidence of its friendly sentiments toward the Argentine Republic, it hastens to place its sincere gratitude on record.
Begging your excellency to be so kind as to convey these assurances to the most excellent President of the Republic, I have, etc.,