The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Storer.
Washington, June 28, 1905.
Sir: The International Mercantile Marine Company, an American corporation, represents that it is the owner of two steamers, the Finland and the Kroonland, which are engaged in the transportation of passengers from Europe to the United States. It is further represented that the Hungarian authorities prevent those holding tickets calling for passage on these steamers from reaching them and embarking upon them. Inclosed herewith are copies of letters dated June 15 and June 27, 1905, from Mr. S. C. Neale, counsel for the said company, [Page 54] which give instances of discriminations and wrongs practiced by the Hungarian authorities.a You will furnish copies of these letters to His Majesty’s Government and you will make urgent representations to the end that the wrongs and discriminations practiced against this highly reputable American line of steamers, and apparently in favor of the Cunard Line, may be discontinued, and you will invoke the good offices of His Majesty’s Government to the end that the same privileges and opportunities may be accorded to the steamers owned by the American line in the matter of a license as are accorded to the vessels of other lines of steamers.
It is represented that the Belgian Steamship Company, the Société Anonyme de Navigation Belge-Americaine, also owns two vessels against which similar wrongs and discriminations are practiced. While the Department can not authorize you to take any official action in support of the complaint of the Belgian corporation, you may nevertheless cooperate as far as you properly can with the Belgian minister at Vienna in support of any action he may take with His Majesty’s Government to secure the discontinuance of these injurious practices against the steamers of the Belgian corporation and to secure a license for the vessels owned by the Belgian line, which are engaged in the common service with the steamers owned by the American line.
I am, etc.,
- Not printed.↩