of Mexico
to the United States of America,
Washington, March
11, 1905.
No. 130.]
Department of Foreign Relations,
Mexico, February 11, 1905.
The secretary of government, in an official letter numbered 6814, of
the 26th of September last, makes the following statement:
“The chairman of the superior board of health writes the following to
this department under date of the 22d instant:
“‘At the meeting held yesterday by this board an opinion of the
counsel member of the corporation, here quoted, was approved: The
counsel of the board has acquainted himself with the case that
occurred at Progreso on the 13th day of July last in connection with
the disinfection of the English steamer Atheniana by Dr. J. F. Harrison, a physician in the
sanitary federal service, effected under such conditions that 80
bales of henequen were set on fire. By direction of the chairman of
the board an inquiry was instituted, from which it appears that Mr.
Harrison does, in the character above described, disinfect vessels
clearing from Progreso for American ports, and while the said
gentleman asserts that he only disinfects vessels when requested by
the agents or masters, as there may be truth in the common report
that unless disinfected by the said American physician vessels are
not admitted into ports of the United States, the undersigned
believes that the department of foreign relations should be fully
apprised of the incident and send it a copy of the investigation
conducted by the sanitary delegate to the end that such measures as
may be appropriate be, if necessary, taken through the diplomatic
This department has examined the case in the light of the fact that
the Mexican Government never intended to admit American physicians
into the national territory in an official capacity. This was made
quite clear by the last quarantine decreed by the government of the
State of Texas against Mexico on account of the yellow fever, and
again when the American Government asked permission to have the
disinfecting barge Sanator stationed in Vera
Cruz for the disinfection of vessels clearing from that port for the
United States. On that occasion the permission was refused because
the said port possessed facilities for every kind of disinfection
and because the Second International American Conference had
declared that all matters pertaining to international sanitary
police remained subject to the jurisdiction of each government
within its own territory. Lastly, when Mr. Barlow, then
consul-general of the United States at Mexico City, claimed that
Doctor Cofer should be recognized in the federal district as the
physician whose duty it was to issue bills of health to persons
intending to visit the United States, Mr. Barlow could not carry his
points and confined himself to issuing the said certificates
personally, and instructed the consuls under his jurisdiction to do
[Page 650]
In the issuance
of such certificates Mr. Barlow was assisted by two physicians who
had no official character.
In view of the foregoing, I have the honor to communicate to you the
above-quoted official dispatches in order that you bring the matter
to the knowledge of the Department of State in the light of the
precedents in the case to the end that appropriate measures be taken
in the matter herein referred to.