The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Chargé.
Washington, August 8, 1905.
My Dear Mr. Chargé: Referring to my note of the 29th ultimo, asking whether your government had any objection to this government granting leave to return to Russia on account of illness to two lieutenants and three sublieutenants on board the Russian vessels interned at Manila, and to your note of the 31st of the same month, stating that your government had no objection to the granting of the leaves, I have the honor to inform you that I am advised by the Secretary of the Navy that on the 4th instant he telegraphed the commander of the Philippine Squadron that he was authorized to permit Lieuts. D. de Daehn and A. Lossev, and Sublieuts. M. Bertenson and V. Iakovleff (four officers) to return to Russia after giving parole not to engage further in the present war.
I am, etc.,