Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, Haiti, March 31, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that the government appears to have taken due precautions to prevent any disturbances that might occur to-morrow by closing the business places of Syrians.
The orders issued by the government are that the military governor of the city, the mayor, and the judge of the peace will visit the Syrian section, and all Syrian stores not closed will be closed by them, not to be opened again. The military governor, General Carrie, has assured the members of the diplomatic corps that there will be no disturbance to-morrow, and that both Syrians and other foreigners will be fully protected.
A telegram was received stating that an American naval vessel would be here in the morning. This news has had a tendency to restore confidence, assist passively the government, on the one hand, and will keep the turbulent element within bounds. Nearly all of the stores of the Syrians are closed, and many will leave on the steamer to-day which carries this dispatch.
A slight excitement occurred yesterday, but the government immediately suppressed it. A strong police force has been placed in this section under the direct charge of the military governor and the chief of the police force. No crowds are allowed to gather in the streets; no soldiers allowed in this section.
I have, etc.,