Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

No. 1699.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose the copy of a letter received too late to be sent by last mail from the minister of foreign relations, informing me that the Haitian Government would permit the Syrians who are to be expelled April 1 to return the American goods that they were not permitted to take from the customs house, of which I informed the Department in my No. 1679, March 13.

I have also informed these merchants of the government’s action and suggested to them to return these goods at once.

I have, etc.,

W. F. Powell.
[Page 537]

The Minister for Foreign Relations to Minister Powell.

Mr. Minister: You have been pleased by your dispatch of March 23 instant to request me to obtain of the government the authorization for the Syrians who came under the effects of the law of August 13, 1903, to reship the American merchandise arrived to their address and of which the department of commerce has forbidden to be handed over to them.

In acknowledging the receipt of that communication I have the honor to bring to your cognizance that the government, taking into consideration the reasons contained in your dispatch, has given the order that the request be granted.

Please accept, etc.,

M. Férère.