Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.
Athens, June 15, 1905.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 272, of the 12th ultimo, and to previous correspondence in regard to Cretan affairs, I have the honor to report that the firm attitude of the powers has apparently produced the desired effect. Parliament met on May 15, and after a prolonged discussion its organization was completed, the government candidate, Mr. Michelidaki, being elected president. There have been a number of desertions from the gendarmerie to the insurgents, a good many people have left Canea, and many Mohammedans have left the island. The insurgents still hold out, and from time to time insignificant [Page 508] skirmishes take place between them and the international troops, who have been slightly reenforced. The Chamber (Parliament) has, however, invited the insurgents to lay down their arms temporarily, giving as its reason for this action the fact that the protecting powers are unwilling to have union with Greece take place at the present moment. The Chamber (on May 28) declared that the desired union is the “only natural, definite, and just solution of the question;” that the Cretan question is a century old and should not be connected with the Balkan question, and that any attempt to effect the union at present by force of arms would be likely to be injurious. It implored the powers to complete their “noble and civilizing work.” About a week earlier declarations had been made in the Greek Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Skousés, the minister of foreign affairs, as well as by Mr. Delyanni, disapproving the revolutionary movement as being inopportune, and claiming that eventual union must and could be the only possible solution of the question.
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I have, etc.,