Minister Jackson to the Secretary of State.
Athens, May 12, 1905.
Sir: In reply to an interpellation in the Greek Chamber of Deputies, on the 22d ultimo, Mr. Delyanni, the prime minister, stated that the Greek Government, while sharing in the desire for thermion of Crete to Greece, had refused to participate in any action tending to abolish the regime established by the powers, and had disapproved of the existing revolutionary movement. The minister declared that he had recommended the union to the powers, and he expressed it as his opinion that the Cretan Chamber of Deputies might ask for and obtain certain modifications in the present constitution. The Cretan Chamber has not met since it declared that the union with Greece had taken place, and although an effort is to be made toward having the deputies come together again it does not seem probable that they will do so under existing conditions. As yet no armed encounter has taken place between the revolutionists and the international troops, but the general situation has not improved. Sympathetic meetings have been held at various places in the island and the revolutionary forces have been allowed to be increased by deserters from the Cretan gendarmes. The revolutionists are said to have taken possession of a number of small villages in the mountains and to threaten to seize one of the villages on the coast and to administer its custom-house in accordance with the Greek tariff and to their own profit. The international forces have, however, caused the Greek flags to be removed from the public buildings and the Cretan flags to be hoisted again, and generally the powers are maintaining a firm attitude. Prince George has urged the revolutionists to submit to the decision of the powers and to wait until they are willing to permit the desired union with Greece, but the opposition merely continues to increase. Men-of-war of various nationalities (especially British and Italian) are moving about the island.
I have, etc.,