Minister Squiers to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Cuba, November 16,
No. 1382.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
translation of the President’s message, dated November 6. It was read at
the opening session of Congress the same day.
In a rather lengthy review of the affairs of the island for the past
year, the Department will find practically nothing relative to the
questions which seem to be of chief importance in our present relations
with Cuba—i. e., sanitation (sewering and paving Habana), British-Cuban
treaty, and trade relations with the United States.
The President’s statements regarding the condition of the treasury and
general trade are far more satisfactory reading. There was a treasury
balance on November 1 of $22,823,483.14, a very respectable
[Page 287]
showing. The special taxes
imposed to provide for the charges in connection with the $35,000,000
loan prove to be ample, as from the surplus bonds of the same loan have
been purchased during the year to the amount of $1,062,500.
Cuba’s import trade, exclusive of coin, amounted to $70,150,000 in 1903–4
and to $83,905,000 in 1904–5, an increase of $13,800,000, of which
$8,900,000, or 65 per cent, came from the United States. It is stated
that less than $800,000 of this increase came from France, less than
$740,000 from Spain, and less than $460,000 from Germany. Mr. Palma
makes no mention of the balance, $2,900,000—probably English increase.
He does state that exportations to the United States increased by
$7,500,000 and to England $400,000.
The payment of the first 50 per cent of the army claims is about
completed, there being a balance of $2,974,786.68 out of $28,351,271.47.
It is the opinion of the secretary of the treasury that unclaimed
amounts will more than cover the further claims to be adjudicated by the
new commission.
I have the honor to be, sir, etc.,
The President’s
Message to the Congress.
(Read to both Houses November 6, 1005.)
* * * * * * *
foreign relations.
On April 7 last, M. Paul Lefaivre, accredited as minister resident of
the French Republic in substitution of M. Edmon A. Bruwaert, who had
up to that time filled that position, was received in public
audience with the customary ceremonies.
In former messages I have pointed out the advisability of sending a
special mission to the countries of Central and South America, and I
now insist upon that indication. Salvador, Chile, Peru, and
Guatemala have sent their diplomatic representatives here, and it is
announced that Nicaragua will shortly do so, while Cuba has not as
yet responded to such marks of international courtesy. The mission
referred to could fulfill this duty to our sister republics and at
the same time establish friendly relations with others of the
The Senate not yet having approved the appointment made on January
11, 1904, of Señor Emilio Ferrer y Picabia, present chargé
d’affaires in France for the post of minister plenipotentiary in
that Republic and in the Kingdom of Italy, it has not been possible
to establish the legation in the latter, which was among the first
to accredit a diplomatic representative to our government.
* * * * * * *
Previous to the date of the message which I had the honor to address
to Congress at the opening of the first legislative session of the
present year the Senate of the United States terminated its sessions
and will not resume them until the beginning of December next, this
being the reason why approval of the Isle of Pines treaty is still
unsettled. Reports which we have received with reference to this
matter indicate that the United States Senate will approve the
treaty in question, in which the sovereignty of Cuba over the island
referred to is recognized.
Ratifications have been exchanged of the treaty of extradition with
Belgium. On May 4 last a treaty of general relations was signed with
Great Britain, and the same has been submitted to the approval of
the Senate. An extradition agreement has been signed with Santo
Domingo and another with Spain; also one relative to postal parcels
with Germany, and another of the same character is now being
negotiated with the French Republic.
* * * * * * *
An invitation has been lately received from the Government of Russia,
through its ambassador in the United States, for the Republic of
Cuba to take part in the new international peace conference to be
held at The Hague as soon as favorable replies are received from the
invited governments. Through our minister in Washington we have
replied to the ambassador,
[Page 288]
His Excellency Baron Rosen, that the Government of the Republic will
take part in the new peace conference and that delegates will be
appointed at the proper time.
It would be a great honor indeed for Cuba to be represented at that
conference, the object of which is to prevent or limit as much as
possible armed conflicts, submitting to arbitration international
questions which the contending parties themselves can not arrange
I again beg to insist upon the recommendation which I had the honor
to make to Congress in other messages relative to the modification
of articles 293 and 294 of the customs tariff, as such a reform is
necessary in order that Cuba may adhere to the sugar convention of
* * * * * * *