The Chinese Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, July 2, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, announcing the death of the Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State, which occurred at his summer home at Newbury, N. H., on July 1, at 12.25 o’clock in the morning.
Upon the receipt of your announcement I lost no time in telegraphing to my government this sad intelligence. To-day I have received the following telegram from Prince Ching:
“Your telegram of the 1st instant is received. Secretary Hay, during the many years he was in office, always took the lead for the maintenance of peace in the East. I am overwhelmed with sorrow at the news of his death. You will convey to the United States Government the expression of my profound sympathy.”
In communicating to you the message of condolence from my government, I can not omit to express to you at the same time my deepest sympathy with the Government and people of the United States by reason of the national loss they have sustained in the death of their foremost statesman and distinguished Secretary of State.
Accept, etc.,