Chargé Ames to the Secretary of State.

No. 434.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Department’s cable of July 1, transmitting the sad news of Secretary’s Hays death, and directing me to communicate it to the Government of Chile. Immediately upon receipt of the cable—late in the afternoon—I called at the ministry of foreign affairs, and, in the absence of the minister, informed the sub-secretary of its contents. He expressed profound regret on behalf of his government, as did two official representatives of the minister, who called on me on Sunday. I am now in receipt of a note of condolence from the minister of foreign affairs, a copy and translation of which I have the honor to inclose herewith.

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I have, etc.,

Edward Winslow Ames.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Chargé Ames.

Mr. Chargé d’affaires:

With profound regret the Government of Chile has learned of the death of Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of America.

The extensive participation which this notable statesman has had on numerous occasions in the public affairs of his country, the lofty spirit in which he has performed the difficult [Page 10] duties of Secretary of State, maintaining always on terms of perfect cordiality the relations between both countries, have entitled him to the high esteem and respect of this government, which in view of the sad event which occasions this note hastens to put on record its most profound manifestation of condolence.

I renew, etc.,

Luis A. Vergara.