Señor Quesada to Mr. Hay.
Washington, October 27, 1902.
Excellency: I have the honor to advise your excellency that the Republic of Cuba has appointed consuls in different places in America and Europe, and that the said consuls are on their way to their respective posts.
My Government charges me to inform your excellency thereof and to lay before you the testimony of our most sincere acknowledgment of the services rendered in regard to Cuban interests by the diplomatic and consular officers of your nation, and to express the wish of the Government that they may continue rendering such services in countries where the Republic is not yet represented by accredited diplomatic or consular agents.
Each Cuban representative has been specifically instructed to give notice of his entrance into office to the American representative who may be at his post of duty, and I beg that the Secretary will recommend that the American officers will, as far as practicable, turn over to the consuls of Cuba such documents as appertain to Cuba and are in the possession of the respective officers of the United States.
I avail, etc.,