List of papers, with subjects of correspondence


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Circular 1899 Mar. 27 Passports for persons residing or sojourning abroad. 1
do Sept. 26 Passports. Intent to return to the United States. 4
do 1902 Jan. 17 Same 1
do Mar. 25 Charge of diplomatic mission in the absence of its head. Construction of article 19 “Instructions to diplomatic officers.” 4
do Apr. 26 Charges against diplomatic and consular officers. 5
do May 20 Cessation of military occupation of Cuba by the United States. 6
do May 24 Protection of Cuban Interest by United States consular officials. 6
do Oct. 22 Passports to residents of insular possessions of the United States. 6

argentine republic.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Lord (telegram). 1901. Dec. 21 Refusal to exempt operators of Central and South American Telegraph Co. from military service. Instructs to inquire if exemption will be granted. 23
Mr. Lord to Mr. Hay (telegram). Dec. 23 Same subject. Reports that exception will not be granted. 23
161 Same to same 1902. Jan. 7 Same subject. Confirms above telegram 24
186 Same to same May 10 Extracts from message of President of Argentine Republic. 13
191 Same to same June 3 Adjustment of difficulty between Argentine Republic and Chile, incloses texts of peace agreements. 18
192 Same to same June 16 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Argentine Republic. 21
200 Same to same. Sept. 1 Adjustment of difficulty between Argentine Republic and Chile. Reports ceremonials in commemoration of. 23


[Page XXXVI] [Page XXXVII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
38 Mr. McCormiek to Mr. Hay 1901 Nov. 12 Passport application of Moses Lilienthal submitted for instructions. 65
19 Mr. Hill to Mr. McCormiek. Nov. 19 Status of naturalized United States citizens of Austro-Hungarian origin returning to their native country. Retention by Hungarian officials of passport and certificate of naturalization of Josef Janco. Incloses Janco’s complaint and instructs to report. 49
53 Mr. McCormiek to Mr. Hay. Dec. 29 Same subject. Roportson Janco’s case and states that matter will be taken up with foreign office. 60
25 Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick. 1902 Jan. 3 Military service of Joseph Kristof. Incloses correspondence and instructs to investigate. 61
30 Same to same Jan. 18 Passport application of Moses Lilienthal. Approves withholding of passport. 66
Mr. McCormiek to Mr. Hay do Passage through United States of remains of late Mexican minister to Austria-Hungary. Requests courtesies on occasion of. 25
63 Same to same 1902 Jan. 22 Military service cases of Joseph Knopp, Jacob Friedberg, Harry Schmierie, Michael Tenzer and Frank Howrka. Reports on. 63
Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Austro-Hungarian Government memorandum of Feb. 1, 1902, expressing views of United States. 26
67 Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay Feb. 11 Status of naturalized United States citizens of Austro-Hungarian origin returning to their native country. Retention by Hungarian officials of passport and certificate of naturalization of Josef Janco. Incloses correspondence and reports interviews with minister for foreign affairs in connection with case of Janco, mentions a tentative proposal of Austria-Hungary to abrogate the naturalization treaty, explains that a law of “military defense” stands in the way of enforcement of demands made by legation in regard to passports and naturalization papers, and suggests this as a propitious time for securing a satisfactory arrangement. 51
32 Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick Feb. 12 Passage through United States of remains of late Mexican minister to Austria-Hungary. States that customary courtesies will be extended on occasion of. 25
35 Same to same Mar. 6 Status of naturalized United States citizens of Austro-Hungarian origin returning to their native country. Approves conduct of matter as reported in dispatch No. 67. 56
Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. Reports intention of Austria-Hungary. 27
71 Same to same Mar. 7 Same subject. Confirms above, with details 27
72 Same to same Mar. 8 Same subject. Incloses article from Vienna Fremdenblatt. 28
36 Mr. Hill to Mr. McCormick Mar. 11 Right of widow of Austro-Hungarian soldier to pension. Instructs to investigate. 33
Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay. Apr. 1 Political, social, and commercial relations between the United States and Austria-Hungary. Incloses article from the Neue Wiener Tagblatt. 34
40 Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick Apr. 7 Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. States that United States will raise legation. 29
77 Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay Apr. 22 Right of widow of Austro-Hungarian soldier to pension. Incloses information secured from I. and R. ministry of war. 33
81 Same to same May 7 Military service case of Joseph Kristof. Reports efforts to secure Kristof’s discharge. 62
82 Same to same do Passport application of Theodor F. Alexander. Submits for instructions. 67
Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay May 20 Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. Reports that Emperor will be glad to receive an ambassador from the United States. 29
84 Same to same May 23 Passport application of Armin Freiman. Submits for instructions. 69
45 Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick May 28 Passport Application of Theodor F. Alexander. Instructs to issue passport. 68
Same to same (telegram) May 29 Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. Notifies Mr. McCormick of his nomination and confirmation as ambassador. 30
85 Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay May 30 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with appreciation. 30
46 Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick June 3 Same subject. Notification of Mr. McCormick’s appointment as ambassador. 30
50 Same to same June 21 Passport application of Armin Freiman. States that case is covered by circular of Mar. 27, 1899, and legation must decide, from the circumstances, what action to take. 69
Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay (telegram). June 28 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Austria-Hungary. 36
1 Same to same June 30 Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. Reports reception as ambassador. 31
55 Mr. Hill to Mr. Hale 1902. July 22 Same subject. Acknowledges above and instructs to report when Austria-Hungary will raise its mission to rank of embassy. 32
57 Mr. Hill to Mr. McCormick July 28 Admission into Austria-Hungary of proprietary preparations of American manufacture. Incloses correspondence and instructs to investigate and report regarding regulations, etc. 37
Mr. Hay to Mr. McCormick Aug. 11 Jews in Roumania, discriminations against; condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the Treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to minister for foreign affairs. 42
5 Mr. McCormiek to Mr. Hay do Military service case of Joseph Kristof. Reports release of Kristof. 63
6 Same to same Aug. 12 Raising of United States legation to Austria-Hungary and Austro-Hungarian legation to United States to embassies. States that an ambassador will be appointed by Austria-Hungary upon going into effect of the budget. 32
60 Mr. Adee to Mr. Hale Aug. 14 Admission into Austria-Hungary of proprietary preparations of American manufacture. Refers to instruction No. 57 and incloses further correspondence. 38
Mr. Hale to Mr. Hay Aug. 27 Same subject. Roports that matter has been presented to ministry for foreign affairs. 39
63 Mr. Adee to Mr. McCormick Sept. 3 Sending of Hungarian national banner to the United States. Incloses letter of A. S. Ambrose reporting and instructs to investigate. 45
The Emperor of Austria to the President (telegram). Sept. 5 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape from injury. 48
The President to the Emperor of Austria (telegram). Sept. 6 Same subject. Acknowledges above 49
25 Mr. Hale to Mr. Hay Oct. 13 Admission into Austria-Hungary of proprietary preparations of American manufacture. Incloses correspondence outlining: conditions of. 39
26 Same to same Oct. 17 Status of naturalized United States citizens of Austro-Hungarian origin returning to their native country. Retention by Hungarian officials of passport and certificate of naturalization of Josef Janco. Reports that orders have been issued to Hungarian local authorities to deliver receipts stating reasons for taking papers. Incloses correspondence with foreign office in connection with Janco case suggesting regulations on the lines agreed to by the Austrian Government on the subject of passports. 56
30 Same to same Oct. 30 Passport application of Harry Frommer. Submits for instructions. 70
32 Same to same Nov. 4 Sending of Hungarian national banner to the United States. Inclosed note from foreign office stating that the project is a purely patriotic one, and has no political significance. 47
75 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hale Nov. 19 Passport application of Harry Frommer. Approves course in withholding passport. 71


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Count Lichtervelde to Mr. Hay. 1901. Mar. 11 Fine on Belgian steamship Belgika in the Philippine Islands. Presents for consideration reclamation of the Compagnie Générale des Philippines. 73
267 Mr. Hay to Count Lichtervelde. Mar. 18 Same subject. States that matter has been referred to Secretary of War. 74
Mr. Wautersto Mr. Hay Oct. 20 Same subject. Renews request for favorable consideration of reclamation. 74
310 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wauters Oct. 30 Same subject. Secretary of War has been asked for report. 75
Belgian legation to Department of State (memorandum). Dec. 20 Same subject. Sets forth further grounds in support of claim. 75
14 Mr. Hay to Baron Moncheur Dec. 24 Same subject. States that above memorandum has been referred to the Secretary of War and a report requested. 76
17 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wauters 1902. Jan. 11 Same subject. Reviews case and states that United States Government can not entertain claim. 76
Mr. Hay to Mr. Townsend Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Belgian Government memorandum of Feb. 1, 1902, expressing views of United States. 26
127 Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay Mar. 6 Sugar-bounty conference. Text of convention. 80
Baron Moncheur to Mr. Hay Apr. 8 Fine on Belgian steamship Belgika in the Philippine Islands, Requests reduction of fine. 78
132 Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay Apr. 19 Riots and strikes in Belgium over question of suffrage. Brief sketch of electoral system. 85
62 Mr. Hay to Baron Moncheur Apr. 28 Fine on Belgian steamship Belgika in the Philippine Islands. States fine can not be rescinded. 79
135 Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay May 6 Sugar-bounty conference. Reports ratification by Chamber of Deputies. 84
138 Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay June 11 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Belgium. 86
Treaty between the United States and Belgium. June 14 For the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice. Text. 87
Additional act concluded at Brussels Dec. 14, 1900, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and other countries. Aug. 25 For the protection of industrial property, modifying the industrial-property convention of March 20, 1883. Text. 92
King of the Belgians to the President (telegram). Sept. 6 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape from injury. 97
The President to the King of the Belgians (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above 97
Mr. Winthrop to Mr. Hay (telegram). Sept. 20 Death of the Queen of Belgium reported. 98
Mr. Adee to Mr. Winthrop (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to express condolences. 98
Memorandum of State Department. Sept. 24 Same subject. States that Belgium minister called to express thanks of King and Government for sympathy of United States. 98
Belgian legation to Department of State (memorandum). Oct. 6 Protection of Belgian interests in Haiti by United States naval vessel requested. 98
Department of State to Belgian legation (memorandum). Oct. 10 Same subject, Instructions have been issued in compliance with above request. 99
95 Mr. Hay to Baron Moncheur. Oct. 13 Fine on Belgian steamship Belgika in the Philippine Islands. States that Secretary of War declines to reverse judgment against vessel. 80
Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay (telegram). Nov. 15 Attempt on life of King of Belgium reported. 99
164 Same to same do Same subject. Reports in detail 99
Mr. Hay to Mr. Townsend (telegram). Nov. 17 Same subject, Instructs to convey congratulations on King’s escape from harm. 100
165 Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay Nov. 19 Same subject. Reports having carried out above instruction. 100
166 Same to same Dec. 3 Same subject. Incloses reply of minister for foreign affairs to letter of congratulation. 100


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
341 Mr. Barber to Mr. Hay 1902. June 2 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Bolivia. 101
8 Mr. Hay to Mr. Sorsby Oct. 4 Protection of British interests in Bolivia by United States officials. Instructs to continue, if agreeable to Bolivian Government. 101
27 Mr. Sorsby to Mr. Hay. Dec. 27 Same subject. Reports that arrangement is satisfactory to Bolivian Government. 102


[Page XXXIX]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
396 Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 6 Treaty submitting to arbitration the question of the boundary between Brazil and British Guiana. Text. 103
411 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay Apr. 30 Inadvisability of American emigration to the Upper Amazon region. Reports. 105
434 Same to same July 11 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Incloses correspondence and reports assent of Brazil. 106
Mr. Hill to Mr. Bryan (telegram). 1902. July 30 Inheritance tax on estate of Baron Thomsen. Instructs to invoke good offices of Brazilian Government with a view to assure due legal process. 107
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay (telegram). July 31 Same subject. Reports that vigorous steps have been taken in matter. 108
438 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay Aug. 4 Same subject. Reports in detail present Status of case. Incloses correspondence. 108
439 Same to same. Aug. 5 Same subject. Reports temporary suspension of proceedings. 112
454 Same to same Sept. 15 Same subject. Reports that a compromise has been sought by the parties through the executive. 112
Same to same (telegram). Sept. 27 Same subject. Reports amicable settlement. 113
455 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses letter from United States consular agent at Rio Grande do Sul reporting settlement. 113
296 Mr. Hay to Mr. Bryan Oct. 6 Same subject. Transmits letter of thanks from Thomson’s attorneys. 114
470 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay Nov. 18 Inauguration of President Alves. Address of United States minister and President’s reply. 114
471 Same to same do Same subject. Exchange of courtesies between officers of U. S. S. Iowa and Brazilian officials. 115


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
224 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 3 Relations between the United States and Chile. Incloses newspaper accounts bearing upon. 116
230 Same to same Feb. 11 Courtesies to U. S. battleships Iowa and Wisconsin. Reports. 119
204 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wilson Feb. 28 Same subject. Incloses letter of thanks from Navy Department for transmission to proper quarters. 120
Mr. Hutchinson to Mr. Hay May 26 Protection of Cuban interests by United States officials. Reports assent of Chile. 121
Treaty between the United States and Chile. May 27 Providing for the extradition of criminals. Text. 122
270 Mr. Hutchinson to Mr. Hay July 18 Relations between the United States and Chile. Transmits account of Fourth of July reception at United States legation. 118
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 22 Chile-Argentine treaty. Reports exchange of ratifications and outlines of. 126
286 Same to same Sept. 23 Same subject. Reports in detail regarding. 126
Same to same (telegram) Nov. 8 Courtesies to U. S. battleship Iowa. Reports that money paid for cleaning the Iowa has been returned by Chilean Government. 121
Mr. Hay to Mr. Hutchinson (telegram). Nov. 13 Same subject. Instructs to accept money returned by Chilean Government, and to express thanks for the generous courtesy. 121


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay 1901. July 13 Restoration of silver bullion seized by United States forces at Tientsin. Inquires if United States Government contemplates. 129
Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu July 18 Same subject. States that time and manner of restoration remains to be determined by the President. 129
213 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Oct. 25 Protection of native Christians by missionaries. Incloses dispatch from viceroy at Nankin relative to serious conflicts between Protestant and Catholic converts as illustrating the evils of. 131
184 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Oct. 30 Same subject. States that above note has been forwarded to United States minister at Pekin for investigation. 133
405 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger do Same subject. Transmits No. 213, Oct. 25, 1901, from Chinese minister, for investigation and report. 134
Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (telegram). Dec. 3 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Reports substance of convention which Prince Ch’ing has been authorized to sign, and asks if he shall take any action. 271
405 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger (telegram). 1901 Dec. 6 Same subject. Instructs to inform Prince Ch’ing that the President expects that no arrangement which will permanently impair territorial integrity of China, or injure legitimate interests of United States, or impair China’s ability to meet international obligations, will be made with any single power. 271
846 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Dec. 12 Same subject, Reports that above telegram has been given Prince Ch’ing, who, in an interview, sets forth the various changes and modifications which China proposes to ask. 272
845 Same to same do Protection of missionaries by United States naval forces. Reports that consuls have been instructed, at request of Rear-Admiral Remey, to furnish him with maps and general information concerning navigable waters nearest to missionary stations. 138
222 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Dec. 31 Restoration of silver bullion seized by United States forces at Tientsin. Suggests that amount be returned through his legation. 130
Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Rehabilitation of Chang Yin-huan. Reports 140
868 Same to same Jan. 2 Same subject. Confirms above telegram, gives particulars, and incloses edict and note from foreign office. 140
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 7 Return of Chinese court to Pekin. Reports. 142
872 Same to same do Same subject. Reports in detail, and incloses correspondence. 142
Same to same (telegram). do Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Reports conflict between United States seamen and Russian officials. 145
874 Same to same Jan. 8 Same subject. Confirms above telegram, incloses memoranda from and to Russian legation, reports conversation with minister, and states that conditions apparently arise from mutual distrust of Russian military authorities and consular corns. 146
878 Same to same Jan. 9 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc. Reports anti-Christian outrage in province of Kansu, and incloses edicts. 159
225 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay. Jan. 13 Restoration of silver bullion seized by United States forces at Tientsin. States that Chinese Government would prefer to have money returned through his legation. 130
885 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Jan. 16 Reform edicts aiming at reorganization of institutions of learning and restoration of friendly intercourse with foreigners. Transmits and comments on. 181
226 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Jan. 20 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Requests friendly offices of United States lookin to. 184
887 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Jan. 21 Protection of native Christians by missionaries. Incloses correspondence with consul-general at Shanghai. 134
890 Same to same Jan. 22 Request of taot’ai of Kinkiang for recall of native missionaries. Incloses correspondence regarding. 202
442 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Jan. 23 Protection of missionaries by United States naval forces. Approves action reported in dispatch No. 845, of Dec. 12, 1901. 139
228 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Jan. 24 Restoration of silver bullion seized by United States forces at Tientsin. Incloses receipt and expresses thanks for. 130
Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (telegram.) Jan. 29 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Reports that Prince Ch’ing is about to yield and sign convention as outlined in dispatch No. 846, Dec. 12, 1901, and agreement practically conceding exclusive privileges to the Russo-Chinese Bank. Representations of the Department have been laid before Chinese Government, and similar representations have been made by British and Japanese ministers. 273
898 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram, and reports at length conversation with Prince Ch’ing. 273
201 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu. Jan. 30 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. States that Government of United States has favored early evacuation, and will consult occupying powers. 184
445 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger 1902 Jan. 30 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with Chinese minister and United State representatives regarding. 184
447 Same to same do Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Commend action reported in dispatch No. 846, Dec. 12 1901. 274
448 Same to same Jan. 31 Mutual embarrassments of United States ant Russian officials at Niuchwang. Conflict between United States seamen and Russian officials. Incloses dispatch from United State ambassador to Russia reporting views of Russian Government. 157
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 1 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Makes representations against agreement as contravening treaties, affecting rights of United States citizens, and subversive of open-door policy accepted by Russia and other powers. 275
Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Feb. 3 Same subject. Transmits memorandum expressing views of United States. 275
905 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Feb. 4 Same subject. Incloses copy of note to foreign office communicating Department’s telegram of Feb. 1, and reports interview with Russian minister. 276
906 Same to same Feb. 5 Audience of diplomatic corps with Emperor and Empress Dowager of China, and reception by the latter of the ladies of the diplomatic corps. Text of addresses and replies and of the ceremonial inclosed. 205
910 Same to same Feb. 6 Reform edicts removing prohibition of marriage between Manchus and Chinese and providing for selection of students to be sent abroad transmitted. 208
229 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Feb. 7 Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Incloses petition of Chinese Merchants’ Association of San Francisco. 209
202 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Feb. 11 Same subject. States that above note has been communicated to appropriate Senate and House committees. 210
919 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Feb. 15 Protection denied to H. Krippendorf, who had merely declared intention to become a citizen of the United States. Incloses correspondence. 221
924 Same to same Feb. 25 Rehabilitation of Chang Yin-huan. Incloses telegram of thanks from children of Chang. 141
468 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Feb. 27 Question of establishment of United States post-offices in China, and collection of additional duty on articles that have already been entered into China, etc. Incloses dispatch from consul at Chefoo containing suggestions, expresses views of Department, instructs to demand that duty shall not be again collected on articles purchased in China, and awaits expression of minister’s views. 222
471 Same to same Mar. 1 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Incloses copy of instruction to consul at Niuchwang in regard to his attitude toward Russian authorities. 157
932 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Mar. 4 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Incloses text of propositions submitted to Russia by Prince Ch’ing, and points out clauses open to objection. 277
213 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Mar. 11 Protection of native Christians by missionaries. Incloses accompaniments to dispatch No. 887, Jan. 21, 1902, from China, showing that American missionaries were not involved in the condition of affairs set forth in Minister Wu’s No. 213, of Oct. 25. 1901. 137
478 Mr. Hill to Mr. Conger Mar. 14 Request of taot’ai of Kiukiang for recall of native missionaries. Concurs in views expressed in dispatch No. 890, Jan. 22, 1902, and suggests that the missionaries give a list of their chapels and missions. 204
948 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Mar. 15 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Reports that Russian minister will consent to reduce term of evacuation to eighteen and perhaps fifteen months, and that British objections are likely to be withdrawn. 279
950 Same to same Mar. 19 Refusal of Chinese Government to issue passports for travel in Thibet, owing to conditions in that country. Reports that legation acquiesces. 226
951 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay 1902. Mar. 19 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc. Reports origin extent, and suppression of uprising in Kwangsi. Incloses correspondence. 161
240 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Mar. 22 Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Asks that his representations be submitted to Congress. 210
218 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Mar. 26 Same subject. States that above note has been sent to appropriate Senate and House committees. 213
956 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Mar. 27 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc., in province o Honan, reported. 165
959 Same to same Mar. 29 Student interpreters in China. Expresses regret rejection of appropriation for, points out necessity for such a service, and offers suggestions. 227
494 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger do Same subject. Advises of provision made in diplomatic and consular appropriation bill for. 228
963 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Apr. 2 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Incloses dispatch from consul reporting good effects produced by presence of U. S. S. Vicksburg. 158
502 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Apr. 8 Protection denied to H. Krippendorf, who had merely declared intention to become a citizen of the United States. Approves action reported in dispatch No. 919. Feb. 15, 1902. 222
Mr. Bainbridge to Mr. Hay (telegram) do Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Report, signing on April 8 of. 279
Same to same Apr. 17 Same subject. Incloses text of convention 279
243 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay Apr. 29 Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Representations against extension of laws to the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands. 213
221 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu Apr. 30 Same subject. States that above note, copy of which has been sent to the President, was received by the Department after the President had signed the bill referred to. 214
972 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay do Question of establishment of United States post-offices in China, and collection of additional duty on articles that have already been entered into China. Advises against establishment of post-offices, except at Shanghai, and reports that complaints referred to in instruction No. 468, in regard to collection of duties, do not appear to be well founded. 225
512 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger do Refusal of Chinese Government to issue passports for travel in Thibet. Approves action reported in dispatch No. 950, Mar. 19, 1902. 227
Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 3 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc, Reports serious disturbances in southern portion of Chihli. 166
980 Same to same May 8 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc. Confirms his telegram of May 3. Incloses account of disturbances and correspondence. 167
982 Same to same May 10 Student interpreters in China. Incloses text of regulations of the British service, and offers suggestions in carrying out appropriation of Congress announced in instruction No. 494. 229
990 Same to same May 19 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc. Refers to dispatch No. 980, and incloses correspondence. 169
247 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay do Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Advances views of his Government on enforcement of treaty, and urges necessity of revision of regulations of immigration bureau. 215
228 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu May 26 Same subject. Acknowledges above note, which has been laid before the President. 218
1007 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay June 2 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Chinese Government. Incloses correspondence. 234
1013 Same to same June 11 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses text of terms proposed by military commanders, and questions right of a few of the powers to dictate conditions not contemplated in the protocol. 190
248 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay 1902. June 14 Exclusion of Chinese. Refusal of Treasury Department to modify certain regulations. Discusses, and incloses for opinion of Attorney-General, Treasury circular, which, it isalleged, imposes upon Chinese laborers leaving United States, with intention to return, onerous conditions in contravention of treaty stipulations and law. 236
1025 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay June 25 Reception of Rear-Admiral Frederick Rodgers, U. S. Navy, by the Emperor and Empress Dowager. Reports, and incloses correspondence. 240
Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (telegram). June 28 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Recites conditions proposed by diplomatic corps, in which he and Russian minister refused to join. Gives reasons. 195
1035 Same to same July 2 Same subject. Confirms above telegram, gives particulars, and incloses correspondence. 195
Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger (telegram). do Same subject. Approves action reported in telegram of June 28, 1902, and instructs to endeavor to reach practical adjustment of protective zone so that China can fulfill demanded obligation and maintain order therein, and to refrain from supporting any excessive grants made by provisional government. 198
1033 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay do Decree disarming natives of Chihli. Transmits 254
541 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger do Vicarious punishment of relatives in China of Chinese naturalized citizens of the United States. Recites charges made by Bow Wong Society against Chinese consul at Honolulu, dwells at length upon facts as substantiated by investigation, and instructs to present to the earnest and favorable consideration of the Chinese Government. 244
231 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu do Same subject. Representations on line of above instruction. 248
251 Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay July 8 Same subject. States that resignation of consul at Honolulu has been accepted, and charges are being investigated. 249
1046 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay July 15 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Transmits copy of conditions named by powers. 198
Same to same (telegram) July 18 Same subject. Reports that greatly modified conditions have been accepted by Chinese Government, and that transfer will take place in a month. 200
Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger (telegram.) do Same subject. Extends congratulations on conclusion of matter. 200
545 Same to same do Student interpreters in China. Incloses rules adopted for. 230
1051 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay July 19 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Confirms his telegram of 18th instant, refers to dispatch No. 1046 for text of conditions, and incloses notes from and to Prince Ch’ing as to acceptance of conditions and gratitude for good offices of United States. 200
234 Mr. Hill to Mr. Wu July 22 Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Quotes letter of Treasury Department replying to allegations of harsh and unjustified enforcement of law made in Chinese minister’s note No. 247, May 19, 1902, and declining to modifv existing regulations. 218
235 Same to same July 31 Exclusion of Chinese. Refusal of Treasury Department to modify certain regulations. Replying to minister’s No. 248, June 14, 1902. Incloses opinion of Attorney-General that the circular in question is warranted by treaty and laws. 238
1061 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Aug. 6 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc., in Szechuan. Reports, and incloses correspondence. 170
1063 Same to same Aug. 7 Same subject. Reports changes among provincial officials. Incloses decrees. 173
551 Mr. Adee to Mr. Conger Aug. 8 Vicarious punishment of relatives in China of Chinese naturalized citizens of the United States. Incloses report of collector at Honolulu on charges against Chinese consul, showing that same were well founded. 249
1067 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay 1902. Aug. 11 Monopoly of camphor trade in Fukien granted to a Japanese company. Incloses regulations virtually granting, and correspondence with consul at Amoy, who has been instructed to protest under French treaty of 1858. 255
1070 Same to same Aug. 16 Vicarious punishment of relatives in China of Chinese naturalized in the United States. Incloses copy of his note to Prince Ch’ing making representations against. 251
Mr. Adee to Mr. Wu do Protection of Chinese at Panama by United States officials. Incloses copy of latest instruction to United States consul-general on subject, and offers to repeat same. 262
13 Mr. Fesler, consul at Amoy, Mr. Hill. Aug. 18 Monopoly of camphor trade in Fukien grantee to a Japanese company. Incloses copy of hi protest, and reply to same. 260
Mr. Wu to Mr. Adee Aug. 20 Protection of Chinese at Panama by United States officials. Requests that instructions be repeated to United States officials. 262
254 Same to same do Admission of Chinese into Cuba. Incloses order of military governor denying, comments on it legality and the hardships imposed on Chinese and asks that the matter be submitted to tin President. 263
255 Same to same do Arguments against United States laws for the exclusion of Chinese. Comments on Treasury Department’s views, communicated in Department’s No. 234, July 23, 1902, and expresses regret thereat. 220
1072 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Aug. 21 Proclamation denouncing Boxer practices as heresy transmitted. 266
556 Mr. Adee to Mr. Conger Aug. 27 Student interpreters in China. Advises of appointment of four, and incloses their instructions. 231
1077 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Aug. 29 Same subject. Comments on inadequacy of appropriation for, and suggests that houses be provided and tuition paid by Government. 233
1079 Same to same Sept. 2 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc., at Ch’en-Chow in Hunan, reported. Imperial decree inclosed. 174
1084 Same to same Sept. 9 Vicarious punishment of relatives in China of Chinese naturalized citizens of the United States. Reports that orders have been issued to local officials to stop. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. 252
258 Mr. Wu to Mr. Adee Sept. 11 Exclusion of Chinese. Refusal of Treasury Department to modify certain regulations. Acknowledges Department’s No. 235, July 31, 1902, and remarks that Attorney-General’s opinion therein makes it useless to elaborate further his objections, as it proclaims again a denial of the ordinary principles of law and equity. 240
239 Mr. Adee to Mr. Wu Sept. 12 Admission of Chinese into Cuba. States that the Cuban Congress is free to act in the matter. 266
1091 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Sept. 17 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc., at Ch’en-Chow. Refers to dispatch No. 1079, Sept, 2, 1902, and incloses decree announcing execution of two of the leaders and directing punishment of two officials. 175
1099 Same to same Sept. 25 Same subject. Reports that rioting in Szechuan continues, but does not appear to be as serious as reported. Incloses correspondence. 176
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 26 Commencement of evacuation of Manchuria by Russia reported. 281
569 Mr. Adee to Mr. Conger Sept. 27 Vicarious punishment of relatives in China of Chinese naturalized citizens of the United States. Acknowledges dispatch No. 1070, Aug. 16, 1902, and approves minister’s action. 254
1100 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Oct. 1 Commencement of evacuation of Manchuria by Russia. Confirms his telegram of Sept. 26, 1902. Incloses report from vice-consul at Niuchwang, and as that place is to be evacuated within six months, under the agreement, suggests that a gunboat be stationed there. 281
1104 Same to same Oct. 3 Riots, uprisings, massacres, etc., in Szechuan. Incloses note from foreign office. 180
1107 Same to same Oct. 7 Student interpreters in China. Gives estimate of cost of tuition. 233
1109 Same to same do Death of Viceroy Liu K’un-yi. Reports, and incloses imperial edict. 267
Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger (telegram). Oct. 10 Same subject. Instructs to convey sympathy of United States Government. 270
574 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger 1902. Oct. 13 Monopoly of camphor trade in Fukien granted to a Japanese company. Approves minister’s representations to consul at Amoy. 261
1121 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Oct. 16 Death of Viceroy Liu K’un-yi. Has conveyed sympathy of the United States to Chinese Government. Incloses correspondence. 270
580 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Oct. 28 Student interpreters in China. States that appropriation for building and tuition has been asked for. 234
1135 Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay Oct. 30 Commencement of evacuation of Manchuria by Russia. Incloses note from Chinese foreign office advising of. 282
583 Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger Nov. 13 Same subject. States that Navy Department has been advised of the expediency of sending a war vessel to Ninchwang in the early spring. 283


[Page XLVI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart (telegram). 1902. Jan. 22 Seizure of vessels and alleged discriminations against American enterprises. Instructs to bring matter to attention of Colombian Government, and request fair treatment of United States companies. 284
Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay (telegram). Feb. 1 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram and inquires as to amount of indemnity to be demanded. 284
Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart (telegram.) Feb. 8 Same subject. Directs to make firm demand without specifying amount of indemnity. 285
Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay (telegram). Feb. 15 Same subject. Reports that representations have been made to Colombian Government in accordance with Department’s instructions. 285
Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart (telegram). Feb. 20 Same subject. Instructs to demand restitution of vessels of Fluvial Company and indemnity; also indemnity for damages to Cartagena-Magdalena Railway Company. 285
573 Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay Feb. 25 Protection of Roberto Beck, a Swiss citizen, by United States officials in Colombia. Incloses correspondence and reports efforts. 289
584 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay Mar. 22 Death of President Sanclemente reported 292
385 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart Mar. 26 Reopening of United States missionary schools at Barranquilla, Bogotá, and Medellin, closed by Colombian authorities. Incloses correspondence and directs to endeavor to effect. 293
599 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay Apr. 23 Right of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property, discussed in light of quoted articles of treaty of 1866 with Great Britain and Colombian law of 1890. 301
394 Mr. Hay to Mr. Beaupré Apr. 28 Death of President Sanclemente. Expresses regret of Department. 292
605 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay May 5 Right of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. Comments on arbitrariness and partiality shown by officers of Colombian Government; reports particularly cases of Albert B. Dod and Amsinck & Co., and incloses text of instructions of Colombian Government to its officers regarding aliens. 302
607 Same to same May 12 Reopening of United States missionary schools at Barranquilla, Bogotá, and Medellin, closed by Colombian authorities. Reports that matter is under investigation, and permission to open schools at Bogotá and Medellin has been secured. 300
Same to same (telegram) May 15 Seizure of vessels and alleged discriminations against American enterprises. Substance of reply of Colombian Government to representations made as directed by Department’s telegram of Jan. 22. 285
611 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses text of note condensed in above telegram. 286
Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart May 31 Protection of Roberto Beck, a Swiss citizen. Refers to dispatch No. 573, of Feb. 25, and requests a more complete report. 290
397 Mr. Hay to Mr. Beaupré June 5 Right of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. States that rights are established under article 8 of treaty of 1846 between United States and New Granada, and that treaty of Colombia with Great Britain can not be invoked. 301
622 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay 1902. June 8 Neutrality of aliens. Reports order of minister of war considering foreigners as enemies and denying them passports for travel in the interior, superseded by another requiring them to be provided with a certificate of neutrality issued by their respective legations. 313
Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay June 10 Protection of Roberto Beck, a Swiss citizen. Reports regarding. 291
400 Mr. Hay to Mr. Beaupre June 20 Same subject. Incloses Department’s memorandum of June 10 to Swiss legation. 291
407 Mr. Hill to Mr. Beaupré June 28 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as toexpropriationof property. Incloses dispatch from consul at Barranquilla reporting seizure without compensation of property of American citizen and instructs to notify that the United States will hold Colombian Government responsible. 305
632 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay July 11 Reopening of United States missionary schools at Barranquilla reported. 301
410 Mr. Hill to Mr. Beaupré July 22 Neutrality of aliens. Discusses and takes exceptions to order reported in dispatch No. 622, June 8, and to subsequent compromise by which “certificates” of neutrality were issued upon which foreigners received permission to travel, and instructs to acquaint Colombian Government with the position of the United States. 314
412 Same to same July 31 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. Takes exception to position of Colombian Government that “animals of foreign private individuals may be seizedif necessary for the maintenance of public order.” as a state of public war does not exist. 306
414 Mr. Adee to Mr. Hart Aug. 4 Same subject. Incloses copy of report of commanding officer of the U. S. S. Ranger. 307
Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay (telegram). Aug. 10 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Colombia. 318
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 21 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. Inquires if instruction No. 407, June 28, means that compensation must be made at time of seizure. 308
650 Same to same Aug. 23 Same subject. Reports conversation with under minister for foreign affairs, points out futility of merely demanding due compensation,” and urges that he be given positive instructions. 308
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hart (telegram). Aug. 27 Same subject, States that treaty stipulates for indemnification, but not time of payment; and that receipts should be given at time of seizure. 310
420 Same to same Aug. 30 Protection by United States consular officers of Chinese on Isthmus of Panama. Incloses correspondence with Chinese minister regarding. 318
421 Same to same Sept. 6 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. Incloses dispatch from vice-consul-general at Panama reporting instances occuring near Cali. 310
660 Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay Sept. 9 Neutrality of aliens. Incloses note to minister for foreign affairs, in accordance with instruction No. 410, July 22, and explains why certificates heretofore required were issued. 315
427 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart Oct. 6 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. Replying to dispatch No. 650, Aug. 23, refers to Department’s telegram of Aug. 27. 312
678 Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay Oct. 23 Same subject. Assumes that claims should be submitted to Department in usual way. 313
433 Mr. Hill to Mr. Hart Oct. 31 Neutrality of aliens. Approves Mr. Hart’s presentation of views of United States to Colombian minister for foreign affairs. 317
Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay (telegram). Nov. 30 Seizure of vessels and alleged discriminations against American enterprises in Colombia. Reports that Colombian Government has ordered return of vessels to owners. 289
441 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hart Dec. 18 Rights of United States citizens in Colombia as to expropriation of property. States that claims circulars have been sent to consul-general at Panama. 313
[Page XLVII]


No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
Order of the military governor of Cuba. 1900. July 2 Relations between Cuba and the United States Providing for an election of delegates to a convention to frame a constitution and provide to and agree upon future relations with the United States. 358
Same Nov. 9 Same subject. Outlining duties of the constitutional convention. 359
Message from the President of the United States. 1902 Mar. 27 Establishment of independent government ii Cuba. Commending timely consideration of measures for maintaining diplomatic and consular representatives in Cuba and for carrying out the provisions of the act making appropriation for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902. 320
The military governor of Cuba to the Adjutant General of the Arm (telegram). May 20 Same subject. Reports the transfer to the President and Congress of Cuba of the government and control of the island. 320
Señor de Zaldo, Cuban secretary of state, to Mr. Ha (telegram). May 22 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. At instance of President of Cuba, requests. 329
Mr. Hay to Señor de Zaldo May 24 Same subject. Assents to above request 329
4 Mr. Hay to Mr. Squiers May 26 Resolution of United States Senate congratulating Cuban Republic on its appearance among the nations of the world. Instructs to communicate to the foreign office. 324
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 27 Reception of minister of the United States to Cuba reported. 322
1 Same to same do Same subject. Reports in detail 323
5 Same to same June 2 Messages of the President of Cuba to Cuban Congress. Transmits message of May 26, 1902. 333
7 Same to same June 3 Ceremonies attending hauling down of United States flag at Matanzas. Incloses resolution of citizens. 350
Same to same (telegram) June 10 Amnesty granted American citizens who committed crimes in Cuba during intervention period reported. 351
17 Same to same June 11 Same subject. Incloses copy of act of Cuban Congress. 351
Mr. Hay to Mr. Squies (telegram). June 13 Exclusion of Chinese from Cuba. Calls attention to detention of a steamer carrying Chinese. 352
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay (telegram). June 16 Same subject. Reports that Cuban authorities decline to allow Chinese to land. 352
23 Same to same do Announcement of establishment of Cuban Republic inclosed. 326
25 Same to same do Exclusion of Chinese from Cuba. Reports reasons advanced by Cuban Government for. 353
3 Señor Quesada to Mr. Hay June 17 Resolution of Cuban House of Representatives thanking Government and people of the United States for assistance transmitted. 325
28 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay June 18 Exclusion of Chinese from Cuba. Refers to previous correspondence and again reports attitude of Cuban Government. 353
8 Señor Quesada to Mr. Hay June 28 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Requests to be informed of scope and purport of authority given by United States Government for. 329
Proclamation by the President of the United States. July 3 Suspending tonnage dues on Cuban vessels 354
President Palma to President Roosevelt (telegram). July 4 Courtesies of Cuban Government on occasion of anniversary of independence of the United States. Sends greetings and good wishes. 327
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject. Transmits message of good will from President of Cuba. 327
Mr. Hay to Mr. Squiers (telegram). July 5 Same subject. States that President Palnia’s message of congratulation was received with much gratification. 327
59 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay July 7 Same subject. Incloses his note to foreign office. 327
60 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses note from foreign office advising of adjournment of Cuban House of Representatives on July 4. 328
43 Mr. Hay to Mr. Squiers July 15 Same subject. Instructs to convey appreciation of United States for action reported in above dispatch. 329
10 Mr. Hay to Señor Quesada July 16 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. States that consuls are not permitted to act as agents of Cuban Government, but only to use good offices. 330
12 Mr. Adee to Señor Quesada. Aug. 2 Resolution of Cuban House of Representatives thanking Government and people of the United States for assistance. Expresses appreciation of. 326
Señor Quesada to Mr. Adee. 1902 Aug. 12 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Requests that it be extended in Colombia. 330
149 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay Aug. 22 Diplomatic immunities. Testimony of United States diplomatic representatives in foreign courts. Reports that he caused deposition of secretary to be taken at legation. 355
79 Mr. Adee to Mr. Squires Aug. 30 Same subject. Approves course reported in above dispatch. 356
President Palma to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Good wishes for restoration of health. 356
President Roosevelt to President Palma (teleirram). do Same subject. Thanks for above message 356
13 Mr. Adee to Señor Quesada. Sept. 13 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officers. States that instructions have been sent to consuls in Colombia, as well as others, to extend. Incloses circular. 331
88 Mr. Adee to Mr. Squires do Exclusion of Chinese from Cuba. Incloses correspondence with Chinese minister regarding. 354
42 Señor Quesada to Mr. Hay Oct. 27 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Notifies that Cuban consuls have been appointed at various places. 332
280 Mr. Squires to Mr. Hay Nov. 8 Messages of the President of Cuba to Congress. Transmits message of Nov. 1, 1902. 338
282 Same to same do Same subject. Transmits message of Nov. 3, 1902. 346
291 Same to same Nov. 13 Law establishing procedure for obtaining Cuban citizenship, transmitted. 356
28 Mr. Hay to Señor Quesada. Nov. 15 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Incloses circular to consular officers, issued in view of Señor Quesada’s note of Oct 27, 1909. 332
298 Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay Nov. 21 Relations between Cuba and the United States. Transmits report of committee appointed by constitutional convention. 360


No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Brun 1901. Oct. 18 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador. States that United States officials will be instructed to extend. 365
Mr. Brun to Mr. Hay Oct. 19 Same subject. Requests that United States Government obtain assent of Government of Salvador to. 365
351 Mr. Hay to Mr. Brun Oct. 25 Same subject. States that United States minister has been instructed in sense of above request. 366
Mr. Hay to Mr. Brun Dec. 2 Same subject. Wishes to know if assent of Government of Salvador has been received. 366
356 Mr. Hay to Mr. Brun Dec. 10 Same subject. States that no report has been received from the minister, and that his attention has been recalled to the matter. 366
391 Same to same 1902. Mar. 7 Same subject. States that Government of Salvador consents to exercise of good offices by United States officers in same form as is permitted respecting Chinese subjects. 367
Treaty between the United States and Denmark. Apr. 17 For the extradition of fugitives from justice. Text. 368
254 Mr. Swenson to Mr. Hay May 2 Liability of naturalized citizens of the United States to military service in Denmark. Report on case of Severin Jacobsen. 372
Mr. Brun to Mr. Hay May 5 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador. Expresses thanks of his Government for assumption of by the United States. 367
261 Mr. Swenson to Mr. Hay June 6 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Denmark. 373
275 Same to same Sept. 6 Accident to President Roosevelt. Reports solicitude caused by. 373
279 Same to same Sept. 30 Courtesies to U. S. S. Chicago and Albany reported. 373
284 Same to same Dec. 13 Military-service case of James Nelson reported 375
286 Same to same Dec. 16 Effect of the continued residence of naturalized United States citizens in the country of origin. Reports on in connection with case of C. Ravn. 377
287 Same to same Dec. 17 1903. Military-service cases of James John Hansen and Anton Miller reported. 378
163 Mr. Hay to Mr. Swenson Jan. 5 Effect of the continued residence of naturalized United States citizens in the country of origin. Approves minister’s views, as reported in dispatch No. 286, Dec. 16, 1902. 378
[Page XLIX]

dominican republic.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
306 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 24 Visit of Gen. Maximo Gomez to Santo Domingo, during which relics of Christopher Columbus were exhibited, reported. 381
349 Same to same Apr. 12 Protection denied Porto Ricans engaged in insurrection against Dominican Government. Reports in regard to. 382
146 Mr. Hay to Mr. Powell May 1 Same subject. Approves action reported in above dispatch. 383
389 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Aug. 13 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Dominican Government. 383
Mr. Yasquez to Mr. Hay (telegram). Sept. 24 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses regret on account of. 384
19 Mr. Adee to Mr. Vasquez Sept. 26 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with appreciation. 385


No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
269 Mr. Sampson to Mr. Hay 1901 Dec. 20 Passports and protection of naturalized citizens. Discusses question at length, denounces abuses, points out defects of existing laws and regulations, and offers suggestions for their amendment. 386
192 Mr. Hay to Mr. Sampson 1902 Jan. 21 Same subject. Explains Department’s attitude, and defines limits within which naturalization certificates are recognized. 388
300 Mr. Sampson to Mr. Hay May 28 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Ecuador. 389
311 Same to same Sept. 7 Accident to President Roosevelt. Reports congratulations of Ecuador on the President’s escape from serious injury. 390
214 Mr. Hay to Mr. Sampson Oct. 13 Same subject. Acknowledges above, with appreciation. 390


[Page L] [Page LI] [Page LII]
No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay. 1901. Nov. 7 Complaints of alleged violation at Pacific coast ports of consular convention between the United States and France. Refers to attempt by local officials to serve summons on French consul-general at San Francisco, and requests that steps be taken to put an end to such occurrences. 391
426 Mr. Hay to Mr. de Margerie. Nov. 15 Same subject. Acknowledges above note and states that matter has been referred to the Attorney-General and the governor of California. 392
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay. Nov. 24 Same subject. Recites various instances of laches on part of authorities on Pacific coast in rendering to French consuls the assistance provided for by the convention, in regard to difficulties on board French vessels, and asks that efficient measures be taken. 393
429 Mr. Hay to Mr. de Margerie. Dec. 2 Same subject. Acknowledges above note and states that matter has been referred to governors of California and Oregon and the Secretary of the Treasury. 394
Same to same Dec. 10 Same subject. States that Treasury Department has taken steps to obviate further complaints. 394
433 Same to same Dec. 21 Same subject. States that governor of California has brought matter to attention of local officials to the end that further complaints may be obviated. 395
434 Same to same Dec. 24 Same subject. Same statement as above in regard to governor of Oregon. 395
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay. Dec. 27 Same subject. Expresses thanks for extension of Department’s good offices, and cites further instances of laches on the part of United States officials. 395
945 Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 2 Passports. Question of declaration of intention to return to the United States within a stipulated period. Submits petition of American Chamber of Commerce of Paris. 407
439 Mr. Hay to Mr. Cambon Jan. 3 Complaints of alleged violation at Pacific coast ports of consular convention between the United States and France. States that Mr. de Margerie’s note of Dec. 27, 1901, has been referred to the Attorney-General, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the governors of California and Oregon. 396
440 Same to same Jan. 14 Same subject. Mentions instructions to officers of Department of Justice on Pacific coast, and incloses reports received with governor of California’s letter of Jan. 3, 1902. 397
969 Mr. Hay to Mr. Porter Jan. 17 Passports. Defines attitude of Department on question of declaration of intention to return to the United States within a stipulated period. 407
441 Mr. Hay to Mr. Cambon Jan. 22 Complaints of alleged violation at Pacific coast ports of consular convention between the United States and France. Communicates action taken by governor of Oregon. 398
443 Same to same Jan. 26 Same subject. Incloses report of United States district attorney for district of Oregon. 398
976 Mr. Hay to Mr. Porter Jan. 29 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses note of Chinese minister applying for good offices of United States in securing. Expresses views of the United States on the subject, and instructs to ascertain views of the French Government. 185
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to French Government memorandum of Feb. 1 expressing views of the United States. 26
444 Mr. Hay to Mr. de Margerie. Feb. 4 Complaints of alleged violation at Pacific coast ports of consular convention between the United States and France. Incloses report of United States district attorney for district of Washington. 399
445 Same to same Feb. 5 Same subject. Governor of California has again called attention of local authorities to matter. 400
965 Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay Feb. 17 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Reports that France concurs in views of the United States, and her representative in China has been instructed to cooperate with his colleagues. Incloses note verbale of minister of foreign affairs. 186
969 Same to same Feb. 20 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Reports interview with minister for foreign affairs, who evidently believes in good faith of Russia. 186
450 Mr. Hay to Mr. Cambon Mar. 1 Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. Refers to Mr. de Margerie’s note of Nov. 7, 1901, and gives substance of answer made by governor of California. The Department concurs in view expressed by the sheriff, that the convention only gives the consul the right to decline to receive summonses, but does not absolve United States officers from the duty of offering to serve them. 400
Mr. Cambon to Mr. Hay Mar. 10 Same subject. Acknowledges above note and comments on necessity for representations to authorities at San Francisco to bring about a proper observance of the convention. 401
1000 Mr. Hay to Mr. Porter Mar. 27 Dedication of monument to Marshal de Rochambeau at Washington. Incloses joint resolution and invitation to President Loubet, Comte de Rochambeau, and Mr. de Lafayette to participate in. 409
Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay (telegram). Apr. 16 Same subject. Advises of acceptance of above invitations. 410
1006 Same to same Apr. 18 Same subject. Confirms above telegram, with details, and incloses correspondence. 410
President Roosevelt to President Loubet (telegram). May 10 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. Expresses sympathy on account of. 412
President Loubet to President Roosevelt (telegram). May 11 Same subject. Thanks for above telegram 412
The French minister for foreign affairs to Mr. Cambon (telegram). do Same subject. Request that United States send means of transportation to aid the sufferers. 412
Mr. Cambon to Mr. Hay 1902. May 12 Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. Refers to previous correspondence; calls attention to fresh instances of disregard of the convention by authorities in San Francisco, and asks that effective measures be taken to put an end to the laches of the Federal and State authorities, and the practices of the boarding masters. 402
Mr. Cambon to President Roosevelt. May 15 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. By instruction of President of France, conveys thanks for assistance rendered by the United States to sufferers from. 413
469 Mr. Hay to Mr. Cambon May 21 Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. States that Mr. Cambon’s note of May 12 has been brought to attention of the governor of California. 404
President Loubet to President Roosevelt (telegram). May 22 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. Expresses thanks for assistance rendered by the United States to sufferers from. 413
President Roosevelt to President Loubet (telegram). May 23 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram and conveys assurance of sentiments of esteem. 413
1035 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Hay June 3 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of France. 417
1039 Mr. Hill to Mr. Vignaud June 26 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. Transmits report of officer in charge of supplies donated to sufferers from. 414
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay July 24 Same subject. Conveys thanks for assistance rendered to sufferers from. 415
492 Mr. Hill to Mr. de Margerie July 31 Same subject. Above note has been made known to persons who rendered assistance. 416
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay Aug. 3 Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. Calls attention to fresh infractions of the convention by police authorities at San Francisco. 404
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 7 Protection of French cable in Haiti by United States officials. Requests that instructions be given for. 417
496 Mr. Adee to Mr. de Margerie Aug. 11 Same subject. States that Navy Department has issued proper instructions. 418
497 Same to same do Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. States that complaint of Aug, 3 has been brought to attention of the Attorney-General and the governor of California. 405
Mr. Hay to Mr. Porter do Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to the minister for foreign affairs. 42
Amendatory and additional agreement. Aug. 22 To the commercial agreement of May 28, 1898. Text. 418
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay. Aug. 28 Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France, incloses newspaper item relating to an action brought in the Federal court at San Francisco to have the convention declared unconstitutional, and asks that steps be taken for its vindication in the courts. 405
President Loubet to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Felicitations on escape from injury. 419
President Roosevelt to President Loubet (telegram) do Same subject. Expresses appreciation for above message. 419
500 Mr. Adee to Mr. de Margerie do Complaints of alleged violation, at Pacific coast ports, of consular convention between the United States and France. States that Mr. de Margerie’s note of Aug. 28 has been referred to the Attorney-General. 406
506 Same to same Sept. 17 Same subject. States that note above referred to has been placed on files of Department of Justice, and will receive proper consideration. 406
Mr. de Margerie to Mr. Hay. 1902. Sept. 25 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. Reiterates thanks of his Government for assistance rendered sufferers from. 416
1090 Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay Sept. 26 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against; condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. Reports that Department’s circular of Aug. 12 has been handed to the minister for foreign affairs, who evinced interest. 420
509 Mr. Adee to Mr. de Margerie. Sept. 30 Volcanic eruption at Martinique. Acknowledging note of Sept. 25. 416
1071 Mr. Hay to Mr. Porter Oct. 14 Passport erroneously issued to G. L. Rosenbaum without proof of his father’s naturalization. Special passports not to be issued by diplomatic representatives abroad. Calls attention to. 420


[Page LIII] [Page LIV]
No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
Emperor William to President Roosevelt (telegram). 1902. Jan. 10 Visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the United States announced— 422
President Roosevelt to Emperor William (telegram.) Jan. 10 Same subject. Expresses gratification and personal esteem. 422
1836 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Jan. 27 Passport application of Schabsel Reif. Reports grounds for withholding. 448
1837 Same to same Jan. 28 Visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the United States. Reports favorable attitude of German officials. 422
1287 Mr. Hay to Mr. White Jan. 29 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses note of Chinese minister applying for good offices of United States in securing; expresses views of the United States on the subject, and instructs to ascertain views of German Government. 185
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses, for communication to German Government, memorandum of Feb. 1, expressing views of United States. 26
1844 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Feb. 7 Expulsion of Peter Mikolainis, and reasons therefor, reported. 450
1299 Mr. Hay to Mr. White Feb. 15 Passport application of Schabsel Reif. Approves course reported in dispatch No. 1836, Jan. 27. 448
1865 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Feb. 26 Passport application of Joseph Duff. Reports grounds for refusal to issue. 448
1866 Same to same do Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Reports that minister for foreign affairs declares that he concurs in views of the United States, but that China should first give pecuniary guarantee that the improvement of the Peiho River shall be carried out. 187
1868 Same to same do Same subject. Refers to above dispatch, and incloses note from foreign office confirming views therein reported. 188
1876 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Mar. 5 Foreign policy of Germany. Résumé of speeches of Chancellor Count Billow relative to China, visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the United States, war in South Africa, etc. 425
1886 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Mar. 12 Visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the United States. Incloses article from the North German Gazette, reports generally favorable impression, and comments on nrohn.hle effect of. 423
1899 Same to same Mar. 19 Same subject. Reports impressions in Government circles, and quotes telegram of the Prince to the embassy. 424
1312 Mr. Hay to Mr. White Mar. 22 Passport application of Joseph Duff. Approves action reported in dispatch No. 1865. Feb. 26. 449
Promemoria from German embassy. Apr. 3 Foreign debt of Guatemala. Invites concurrence of the United States in new arrangement proposed by the committee of bondholders in London. 426
Mr. Hay to Mr. von Holleben. Apr. 5 Same subject. Communicates memorandum to effect that the United States is averse to joining in any coercive action, but will reserve for United States citizens all rights secured by any such action. 426
1926 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Apr. 17 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Gives particulars of case and reports that a postponement was all that embassy could obtain. 451
Memorandum from German embassy. 1902. May 20 Protection of German interests at Bocas del Toro by United States naval officials requested. 427
Mr. Hay to Mr. von Holleben. do Same subject. States that Navy Department ha given proper instructions. 428
Mr. White to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 30 Protection of Cuban interests by United State consular officials. Reports assent of German Government. 428
1961 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram 429
Memorandum from State Department. May 31 Protection of German interests at Bocas del Ton by United States naval officials. States the Navy Department has given proper instructions. 428
Mr. Hay to Mr. White (telegram). June 4 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Instructs to request re vocation of order if there probability of its being granted. 452
1347 Same to same June 5 Same subject. Instructs to endeavor to obtain from German Government, if decree of expulsion is to stand, some statement which will relieve the Eisemanns of imputation of improper conduct. 452
Mr. White to Mr. Hay (telegram). June 6 Same subject. Reports efforts of embassy and probability of nothing but an extension of permission to remain being secured. Adverts to feeling already aroused when matter was made known to the embassy. 452
1966 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram and goes into details of his efforts. 453
Same to same (telegram). June 14 Same subject. Reports that application for extension of time until April, 1903, hasbeen made. 454
Same to same (telegram) June 20 Death of King Albert of Saxony. Reports, and inquires if he shall attend funeral. 429
Mr. Hay to Mr. White (telegram). do Same subject. States that Mr. White may attend funeral. 429
1981 Mr. White to Mr. Hay June 26 Same subject. Reports in detail 429
1358 Mr. Hill to Mr. White do Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Approves efforts to obtain revocation of. 455
1987 Mr. White to Mr. Hay June 30 Military-service cases of Rene Huttler, Eugene Herr and Meyer Schwartz reported. 460
1992 Same to same July 2 Expulsion of Johann Wilhelm Lohmann. Reasons reported. 457
1998 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay July 5 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Reports that permission to remain until April 1, 1903, has been granted. 455
1368 Mr. Hay to Mr. White July 15 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Incloses reports of consul-general at Frankfort. 430
1369 Same to same July 17 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Incloses letter from Senator Lodge asking that phrase “for police reasons” be stricken from order of expulsion. 455
Count von Quadt to Mr. Hay July 21 Death of King Albert of Saxony. Conveys thanks for expressions of sympathy of United States. 430
1377 Mr. Hill to Mr. White July 29 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Incloses dispatch from commercial agent at Bamberge regarding. 433
1381 Mr. Adee to Mr. White Auer. 2 Same subject and tenor 435
2019 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Aug. 4 Military-service case of Eugene Herr, report on. 461
2020 Same to same do Expulsion of Leo Hess reported 457
2024 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Aug. 5 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Reports conversation at foreign office regarding the incident, and states that a new shield will be admitted duty free and ceremoniously put in place. 436
2026 Same to same Aug. 7 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Reports that the disparaging words in order of expulsion will probably be expurgated. 456
Mr. Hay to Mr. White Aug. 11 Jews in Roumania, discriminations against; condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to minister for foreign affairs. 42
2031 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Aug. 12 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Reports that new coat of arms has been admitted duty free and will be held at embassy until arrangements are made for the replacing of it. 437
2033 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay 1902. Aug. 12 Restrictions on sojourn in their country of origin of Germans naturalized in the United States Reports conversation had at the foreign office in support of their rights under the treaty. 440
Count von Quadt to Mr. Hay. Aug. 20 Protection of German interests at Bocas del Tore by United States naval officials. Conveys thanks for. 428
2039 Mr. White to Mr. Hay do Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Reports publication of official announcement that expulsion was for no other reason than nonperformance of military service, and that the Eisemanns will be permitted to remain at Frankfort until April next. 456
2040 Same to same do Expulsion of Charlesvon Oehsen (Carl), Christian Markhoff and family, and Henry Blohm reported. 458
1391 Mr. Adee to Mr. White Aug. 22 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Department is gratified at friendly spirit shown by German Government in adjustment of matter. 438
2041 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Aug. 23 Expulsion of Charles von Oehsen reported 459
2045 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Aug. 26 Jews in Roumania, discriminations against: condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objections of United States Government to immigration of such persons. Reports having delivered instruction of Aug. 11 to foreign office. 442
1394 Mr. Adee to Mr. White Aug. 30 Restrictions on sojourn in their country of origin of Germans naturalized in the United States. Approves action in bringing matter to attention of foreign office, and points out limitations of right of expulsion. 441
The German Emperor to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape from injury. 442
President Roosevelt to the German Emperor (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above, with appreciation. 442
1398 Mr. Adee to Mr. Jackson Sept. 5 Expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann. Acknowledges dispatch No. 2039, Aug. 20, and states that incident may be considered closed. 456
2061 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay do Passport application of Gustav Frank Eichborn. Reports refusal to issue. 449
2070 Same to same Sept. 10 Relations of Germany with Haiti. Reports impression made by and comments on the sinking of the insurgent vessel Crête à Pierrot by a German war vessel. 442
1403 Mr. Adee to Mr. White Sept. 20 Passport application of Gustav Frank Eichborn. Approves refusal to issue. 450
1410 Same to same Sept. 27 Relations of Germany with Haiti. Recites correspondence with United States minister to Haiti in regard to closure of Haitian ports, and states that Navy Department will be requested to protect neutral vessels if blockade is found inflective. 443
2090 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Sept. 30 Military-service cases of Ferdinand Herman Grenzer, Henry Honebein, George Soelhke, Gustav Meincke, and George Dickmann (Dieckmann) reported. 461
27 Mr. Bardel, commercial agent, to the Department of State. Oct. 16 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Reports ceremonies attending installation of new coat of arms. 438
2115 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Oct. 18 Same subject and tenor 439
278 Mr. Thomas, minister to Sweden and Norway, to Mr. Hay. do Claims on account of military operations conducted in Samoa in 1899. Preliminary decision of the King of Sweden and Norway as arbitrator. 444
2122 Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay Oct. 25 Expulsion of Mads Peder L. Fysant reported 459
1423 Mr. Hill to Mr. White Nov. 3 Defilement of United States coat of arms at Bamberg. Expresses gratification at satisfactory closing of incident. 440
2158 Mr. Dodge to Mr. Hay Dec. 8 Expulsion of Samuel Samuel reported 460

great britain.

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No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
468 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate 1900. Oct. 16 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Instructs to investigate status of, with a view to effecting their release. 463
469 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of F. M. Hearn. 463
418 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay 1900 Oct. 27 Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to foreign office, making representation in accordance with instruction No. 468. Oct. 16, 1900. 464
482 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choaté Nov. 1 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of William Smith. 465
Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay (Telegram.) Nov. 21 Same subject. Reports that American consul a Colombo will be permitted to communicate with prisoners. 467
431 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram and in closes note from foreign office. 467
500 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate do Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Edward C. Janse. 468
434 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Nov. 24 Same subject. Reports that it is inexpedient to request release of William Smith. 469
506 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Dec. 6 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of William F. Versluis. 469
525 Same to same 1901 Jan. 3 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Dirk J. Dubber. 470
473 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Jan. 7 Same subject. Reports release of Edward J Janse. 470
504 Same to same Feb. 9 Same subject. Reports refusal to release Dirk J. Dubber. 471
620 Mr. Hill to Mr. Choate Apr. 30 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Harry Wood. 471
636 Same to same May 22 Same subject. Instructs to report on case of William F. Smith. 473
641 Same to same May 27 Same subject, incloses correspondence relative to case of Francis Connelly. 473
647 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate June 4 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of William F. Versluis. 474
592 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay June 15 Same subject. Reports refusal to release Harry Wood. 474
610 Same to same July 3 Same subject. Reports refusal to release William F. Smith and Francis Connelly. 475
621 Same to same July 11 Same subject. Reports that it is inexpedient to request release of William F. Versluis. 475
241 Mr. Lowther to Mr. Adee Sept. 2 Discourtesy to British flag at Skagway, Alaska. Recites circumstances, and requests that inquiry be made and offender punished. 546
2251 Mr. Adee to Mr. Lowther Sept. 7 Same subject. Quotes report of special Treasury agent, and suggests that Governments mutually discontinue practice of flying their customs flags within the jurisdiction of the other. 546
735 Mr. Adee to Mr. Choate Sept. 30 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses dispatch from consul at Colombo showing that certain prisoners have been released, and instructs to approach British Government on subject of American prisoners. 475
736 Mr. Adee to Mr. Choate Oct. 1 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Patrick Lennon. 477
687 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Oct. 19 Same subject. Reports representations made in accordance with instruction No. 735, Sept. 30, 1901. 478
749 Mr. Hill to Mr. White Oct. 22 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of James L. Molloy. 479
692 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Oct. 28 Same subject. Reports that only prisoners who are certified to be dangerously ill will be released. 479
758 Mr. Hay to Mr. White Oct. 30 Same subject. Acknowledges dispatch No. 687, Oct. 19, 1901, and commends matter to further attention. 480
699 Mr. White to Mr. Hay Nov. 6 Same subject. Reports having requested release of James L. Molloy. 480
710 Same to same Nov. 22 Same subject. Reports refusal to release James L. Molloy. 480
732 Same to same Dec. 28 Same subject. Incloses report in case of Patrick Lennon. 481
3 Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay. 1902. Jan. 2 Discourtesy to British flag at Skagway, Alaska. States that Canadian government agrees to suggestion that practice of flying the flag of either country on territory of the other shall be discontinued, and consider the incident closed. 548
2330 Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote. Jan. 7 Same subject. States that above views have been communicated to Treasury Department. 548
8 Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay. Jan. 13 Special embassy of the United States to coronation of Edward VII. Incloses proclamation fixing date of coronation. 498
748 Mr. White to Mr. Hay 1902 Jan. 18 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Transmits copy of oath taken by Patrick Lennon before British commander in chief in South Africa. 482
2343 Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote Jan. 25 Discourtesy to British flag at Skagway, Alaska. States that United States customs officers on northern frontier have been instructed not hereafter to display official flags if their offices are located on British North American territory. 548
24 Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay Jan. 29 Title of King Edward VII. Incloses proclamation defining. 507
823 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate do Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses note of Chinese minister applying for good offices of United States in securing, expresses views of the United States on the subject, and instructs to ascertain views of the British Government. 185
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to British Government memorandum of Feb. 1 expressing views of the United States. 26
36 Lord Pauneefoteto Mr. Hay. Feb. 8 Protection of British interests in Colombia by United States officials. Incloses letter of T. and J. Harrison, and expresses gratification at cooperation of United States and British officers. 509
39 Same to same Feb. 11 Discourtesy to British flag at Skagway, Alaska. States that Canadian customs officers nave been instructed not to display their flag on United States territory. Incloses minutes of Canadian privy council. 549
778 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Feb. 12 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Reports that British Government is in complete accord with views presented by the United States, and has sent instructions to its representatives in Pekin. 187
780 Same to same do Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Reports that views of British Government are identical with those of the United States. 511
781 Same to same do Defensive agreement between Great Britain and Japan. Incloses text, comments thereon, and on its bearing on the open-door policy and the announced intention of Great Britain not to fortify Weihaiwei. 518
839 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Feb. 14 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Harry M. Wood. 482
2365 Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote do Protection of British interests in Colombia by United States officials. Acknowledges with appreciation note of Feb. 8, 1902. 510
Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Feb. 22 To facilitate the construction of a ship canal. Text. 517
890 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay do Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses correspondence with foreign office relative to. 512
59 Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay Feb. 27 British protectorates in East Africa placed under zone of total prohibition of alcoholic liquors, under Article XCI of the Brussels art. Notification of. 520
806 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Mar. 11 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Reports refusal of British Government to make concessions in case of Harry M. Wood. 483
856 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Mar. 12 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of Charles H. Toe Water 484
1 Mr. Hay to Mr. Reid Mar. 18 Special embassy of the United states to coronation of Edward VII. Appointment and in-instructions as ambassador extraordinary on special mission. 498
861 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate do Same subject. Gives personnel of special embassy. 499
74 Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay. Mar. 21 Same subject. Inquires as to personnel of special embassy, and incloses order of precedence. 500
866 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Mar. 24 Abduction of Miss Stone. Instructs to convey thanks for assistance in rescue rendered by British officials in Turkey and Bulgaria. 520
2401 Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote. Mar. 25 Special embassy of the United States to coronation of Edward VII. Gives personnel of. 500
883 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Apr. 5 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses correspondence relating to case of James L. Molloy. 485
833 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay 1902 Apr. 12 Same subject. Reports refusal to release H. McGaw Wood. 48
895 Mr. Hill to Mr. Choate Apr. 14 Same subject. Incloses correspondence relative to case of F. M. Hearn. 488
840 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay do Special embassy of the United States to coronation of Edward VII. Incloses note from foreign office stating that His Majesty will be pleased to receive Mr. Whitelaw Reid as special ambassador. 50
841 Same to same Apr. 18 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses correspondence snowing that C. H. Toe Water was a burgher of the South African Republic and carried arms. 489
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay May 3 Protection of American interests in Bulgaria by British representatives. Suggests that formal request be made for. 521
909 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate May 8 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses correspondence in case of Harry McGaw Wood. 490
Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote. May 9 Protection of American interests in Bulgaria by British representatives. States that United States ambassador at London has been instructed to formally request. 521
911 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate do Same subject. Instruction in line with above note. 521
857 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay May 12 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Reports that permission has been secured for consul at Hamilton to interview J. L. Molloy. 491
Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate (telegram). do Volcanic eruption at St. Vincent. Instructs to express sympathy and desire of United States to share work of aid and rescue. 523
122 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay May 13 Protection by United States officials of British interests in Bolivia. Conveys thanks of British Government to Dr. Bridgman, United States minister, for. 528
Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 15 Volcanic eruption at St. Vincent. Reports thanks for, and acceptance of offer of aid. 523
Same to same (telegram) May 17 Same subject. Communicates formal reply of foreign office. 524
861 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses correspondence in regard to offer of aid by the United States. 524
922 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate May 21 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Instructs to obtain a list of. 492
Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 22 Volcanic eruption at St. Vincent, Report in regard to needs of sufferers from. 527
862 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram and incloses note from foreign office. 527
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay May 24 Death of Lord Pauncefote, British ambassador to the United States. Announces. 530
Mr. Hay to Mr. Raikes do Same subject. Offers to send remains home in a national vessel. 530
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay do Same subject. States that above offer has been communicated to the British Government. 530
Mr. Hay to Lord Lansdowne (telegram). do Same subject. Expresses sympathy and sorrow on account of. 530
Lord Lansdowne to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 25 Same subject. Thanks for the above message 530
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay do Same subject. Accepts offer to send remains home on a national United States vessel. 531
138 Same to same May 31 Same subject. Conveys appreciation of the King for respect shown memory of Lord Pauncefote in United States. 531
868 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay June 3 Protection of American interests in Bulgaria by British representatives. Incloses request for and consent of British Government to. 522
Same to same (telegram) June 6 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of British Government to. 632
874 Same to same June 7 Same subject. Confirms above telegram and incloses note from foreign office. 532
941 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate June 14 Protection of American interests in Bulgaria by British representatives. Instructs to convey thanks for. 523
883 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay June 19 Scholarships under will of Cecil John Rhodes. Transmits documents giving; details of. 532
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay June 24 Coronation of Edward VII. Notification of postponement of. 501
Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject and tenor 502
President RoosevelttoKing Edward VII (telegram). do Condolences on illness of King Edward VII 537
886 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay 1902. June 25 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. List of will be furnished as soon as possible. 492
165 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay June 27 Protection by United States consul of British interests at Martinique. Expresses thanks of his Government for. 537
2485 Mr. Hay to Mr. Raikes July 3 Same subject, states that a copy of above note has been sent to United States consul at Martinique. 538
Queen Alexandra to President Roosevelt (telegram). July 4 Condolences on illness of King Edward VII. Expresses gratitude for. 537
894 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay July 5 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Reports that they will be allowed to leave at their own expense or turned over to their consuls; otherwise must wait until British Government is ready to repatriate them. None will be permitted to return to South Africa. 493
171 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay July 7 Volcanic eruption at St. Vincent. Conveys thanks of his Government for assistance rendered by United States to sufferers from. 528
952 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate July 9 Scholarships under will of Cecil John Rhodes. Acknowledges dispatch No. 883 of June 19, and incloses copy of circulars sent to governors of the various States. 536
Same to same (telegram) do Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Instructs to suggest that instructions be telegraphed to governor of Bermuda as to how to deal with. 493
Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay (telegram). July 10 Same subject. Replying to above telegram, states that governor of Bermuda has been instructed, and refers to dispatch No. 894. July 5. 493
953 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate July 11 Protection of an American citizen by British vice-consul at Van, Turkey. Incloses correspondence regarding, and instructs to express appreciation of United States Government for. 540
956 Same to same July 12 Protection of American interests at Habana by British consul-general. Instructs to express appreciation of United States Government for. 543
1 Mr. Reid to Mr. Hay July 14 Special embassy of the United States to coronation of Edward VII. Detailed report of. 502
2 Same to same do Interview in London of United States Special Ambassador Reid with Prince Chen, Chinese special envoy, reported. 543
900 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay July 19 Special embassy of the united states to coronation of Edward VII. Reports that British Government deprecates the sending of to the postponed coronation. 506
184 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hill July 21 Condolences on illness of King Edward VII. Conveys King’s appreciation of sympathy expressed, and regret for his inability to thank the envoys to the coronation for the compliment their appointment conveyed. 537
2502 Mr. Hill to Mr. Raikes July 25 Protection by United States consul of British interest at Martinique. Incloses dispatch from consul at Guadeloupe relative to. 538
903 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay July 28 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Incloses lists of those detained in Ceylon and Bermuda. 494
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hill July 30 Protection by United States consul of British interests at Martinique. Expresses thanks for report contained in Department’s No. 2502, July 25. 539
Mr. Adee to Mr. Raikes (telegram). Aug. 6 Protection of British interests in Colombia by United States officials. Communicates report of commander of U. S. S. Ranger that he is informed that Colombian Government contemplates seizing British steamer Quito. 510
Same to same Aug. 9 Same subject. Supplementary to above telegram; incloses report of commanding officer of U. S. S. Philadelphia. 510
Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Aug. 11 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to the minister for foreign affairs. 42
914 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay 1902. Aug. 11 Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Reports inquiry of foreign office whether United States desires to make special arrangement for return of 10 from Ceylon. 495
923 Same to same Aug. 21 Same subject. Incloses list of those detained at St. Helena. 495
Mr. Adee to Mr. Raikes Aug. 22 Release of British subject from involuntary military service in Venezuela, secured by United States naval officials. Advises of. 545
215 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Adee Aug. 30 Death of Lord Pauncefote, British ambassador to the United States. Conveys thanks of British Government for military honors and transportation of remains to England on board the U. S. S. Brooklyn, which was met and escorted by two British war vessels. 531
933 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Sept. 3 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objections of United States Government to immigration of such persons. Reports that British Government joins in views expressed by the United States Government, and will address other powers parties to the Berlin treaty on the subject. Incloses note from foreign office. 549
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Adee (telegram). Sept. 5 Accident to President Roosevelt. Conveys his Government’s congratulations on escape from injury. 550
Mr. Adee to Mr. Raikes (telegram). do Same subject. Appropriately acknowledges above telegram. 550
999 Mr. Adee to Mr. Choate do Prisoners of war, American citizens, held in British colonies. Adverts to inability of Department or consuls to send the prisoners home and, in view of the fact that the men were confined by the British Government in distant places to serve its interested policy, expresses the hope that it will soon make arrangements to return them to the United States or remove them to some place where better opportunities for their transportation are afforded. 496
Mr. Adee to Mr. Raikes Sept. 6 Release of British subject from involuntary military service in Venezuela secured by United States naval officials. Quotes from report of commanding officer of U. S. S. Cincinnati. 545
6 Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid Sept. 23 Special embassy of the United States to coronation of Edward VII. Commends manner in which Mr. Reid represented the President. 507
Mr. Raikes to Mr. Adee Oct. 1 Protection of British interests in Colombia by United States officials. Requests that thanks of his Government be conveyed to the commander of the U. S. S. Philadelphia on account of. 511
245 Same to same do Protection by United States officials of British interests in Bolivia. Requests continuation of. 529
Same to same do Release of British subject from involuntary military service in Venezuela secured by United States naval officials. Requests that thanks of his Government be conveyed to commander of the U. S. S. Cincinnati on account of. 545
2538 Mr. Hay to Mr. Raikes Oct. 4 Protection by United States officials of British interests in Bolivia. States that instructions have been issued for continuation of. 529
Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Oct. 17 Concerning the establishment of import duties in Zanzibar. 551
1034 Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate Oct. 18 Protection of American interests by British vice-consul at Bitlis, Turkey. Instructs to express appreciation for. 553
959 Mr. Carter to Mr. Hay Oct. 22 Commercial treaty between Great Britain and China. Text. 553
964 Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay Oct. 29 Prisoners of war, America citizens, held in British colonies. Reports that those in Ceylon will be sent to the United States by the first packet. Note from foreign office inclosed. 497
278 Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay Nov. 10 Protection by United States officials of British interests in Bolivia. Conveys thanks for continuation of. 529
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
53 Mr. Francis to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 1 Courtesies at Piraeus to European squadron of the United States Navy, reported. 565
56 Same to same Feb. 6 Same subject and tenor 565
21 Mr. Hay to Mr. Francis Feb. 21 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with Navy Department relative to. 566
77 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay June 21 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Greece to. 567
104 Mr. Francis to Mr. Hay Dec. 13 Courtesies to U. S. S. Hartford at Piraeus, reported. 567
4 Mr. Hay to Mr. Jackson 1903. Jan. 6 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with Navy Department relative to. 568

guatemala and honduras.

No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
629 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 26 Foreign debt of Guatemala. Transmits joint note of Belgian, British, French, German, and Italian representatives, inviting early measures for the satisfaction of arrangement with bondholders, and subsequent correspondence with, minister for foreign affairs. 569
363 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hunter Mar. 22 Same subject. Instructs to keep Department advised of negotiations. 578
365 Same to same Apr. 10 Same subject. Incloses memoranda from and to German ambassador. States that the United States is indisposed to join with other powers in coercive action, but will reserve for United States citizens all rights secured by such action, and instructs to advise Government of Guatemala of this attitude. 578
Convention between the United States and Guatemala. Apr. 11 For the reciprocal protection of trade-marks and trade labels. 582
644 Mr. Bailey to Mr. Hay June 5 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Guatemala and Honduras. 583
373 Mr. Hay to Mr. Bailey July 3 Foreign debt of Guatemala. Instructs to report correspondence between the legation and Guatemalan Government. 579
645 Mr. Bailey to Mr. Hay July 24 Same subject. Incloses list of paid claims, and reports that Guatemalan Government will attempt to pay American creditors at an early date. 579
646 Same to same July 30 Same subject. Reports that Guatemalan Government will accord equal treatment to American creditors. Incloses correspondence with minister for foreign affairs. 581
The President of Guatemala to the President of the United States (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape from. 584
President Roosevelt to President Estrada (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Appropriately acknowledges above message. 584
Convention between the United States and Guatemala. Sept. 18 Relating to the tenure and disposition of real and personal property. 584


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No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). 1902. May 11 Revolution. Reports situation critical and conflict for Presidency probable. 587
Same to same (telegram) May 12 Same subject. Reports resignation of President, and requests presence of naval vessel. 587
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports rioting, and that former President is on the eve of departure. 587
Same to same (telegram) May 15 Same subject. Reports that provisional committees are in charge of cities. 588
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Urges presence of naval vessel. 588
Mr. Hill to Mr. Powell (telegram). May 16 Same subject. States that U. S. S. Topeka has sailed for Port au Prince. 588
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject. Inquires if he shall recognize the “committee of safety.” 588
Mr. Hill to Mr. Powell (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to enter into necessary business relations with de facto government. 588
1092 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay 1902 May 17 Same subject. Full report of causes and incidents of. Incloses communications from com mittee of safety. 589
Same to same (telegram) May 19 Same subject. Inquires if he may take U. S. S Topeka to consult with commander of army of north and advise him not to go to Port au Prince. 595
Mr. Hill to Mr. Powell (telegram). do Same subject. Replies in negative to above inquiry. 595
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 22 Same subject. Reports arrival of U. S. S. Topeka 596
1095 Same to same May 24 Same subject. Reports events to date, and states that Firmin’s advance on Port au Prince was stopped at request of diplomatic corps. 596
Same to same (telegram) May 27 Same subject. Reports establishment of a provisional government. 597
Same to same (telegram) May 28 Same subject. Reports recognition of provisional government. 598
1098 Same to same May 30 Same subject. Reports in detail on present situation, and incloses correspondence relative to recognition of provisional government. 598
1102 Same to same June 4 Protection of Cuban interests by United States I consular officials. Reports consent of Haiti to. 678
1104 Same to same June 19 Revolution. Reports present condition of political affairs, forthcoming congressional and presidential elections, prospects of several candidates, etc. 602
Same to same (telegram) June 27 Same subject. Reports intention of Haitian admiral to bombard Cape Haitian. 604
Same to same (telegram) June 28 Same subject. Reports that Haitian Government styles admiral a pirate and disavows his action. 605
Same to same (telegram) June 30 Same subject. Reports that Cape Haitian was fired upon, and that Firmin embarked from that place. 605
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports that Haitian Government has ordered arrest of admiral. 605
1110 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses correspondence with consul at Cape Haitian regarding troubles at that place. 605
Mr. Hay to Mr. Powell (telegram). July 3 Same subject. States that U. S. S. Marietta has been ordered to Cape Haitian. 608
1111 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay July 7 Same subject. Reports events to date, bombardment of Cape Haitian, and progress of elections. 609
1119 Same to same July 17 Question of “right of asylum” in United States legations. Reports abuses, and suggests limitations. 679
1121 Same to same July 19 Revolution. Reports in detail present status of affairs. 611
1123 Same to same July 25 Same subject. Reports request of provisional government that Admiral Killick and his vessel be considered and treated as pirates by neutral powers, and expresses opinion that request is inadmissible; incloses correspondence. 614
Same to same (telegram) July 26 Same subject. Reports request that foreign naval vessels be called upon to capture Admiral Killick. 615
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports that civil war has been declared; cabinet dissolved; Firmin marching with army on Port au Prince. 615
Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell (telegram). do Same subject. States that rule as to piracy is stated in instruction to Mr. Powell’s predecessor.
524 Mr. Hill to Mr. Powell July 30 Same subject. Confirms above telegram and quotes portion of instruction referred to. 616
1127 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Aug. 1 Same subject. Detailed report on condition of affairs, movements of opposing forces, and prospects of presidential election in the assembly. 616
526 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Aug. 2 Same subject. Transmits reports of commander of U. S. S. Marietta concerning conditions at Cape Haitian and Port de Paix. 620
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). Aug. 5 Same subject. Reports that Firmin set up a new government at Gonaives. 621
1132 Same to same do Same subject. Exhaustive report on present and prospective conditions. 622
528 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Aug. 6 Question of “right of asylum” in United States legations; states that political reasons are not to be considered, but the merits of each individual case, in granting privilege of refuge; refers to previous instructions. 681
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). 1902. Aug. 9 Revolution. Reports request of provisional government that United States prevent shipment of arms to ports in rebellion, and that Petit Goave has been captured by Government troops 626
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 10 Same subject. Reports that he has cabled Commander McCrea not to recognize blockade. 626
Mr. Adee to Mr. Powel (telegram). Aug. 11 Same subject. Instructs to disregard blockade unless it is effective. 627
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (tel egram). Do Same subject. Reports destruction of Petit Goave and has instructed consul at Cape Haitian to ignore blockade. 627
529 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Aug. 12 Same subject. States that United States will duly observe obligations of neutrality. 627
1137 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Aug. 15 Same subject. Gives full account of events already reported by cable; discusses present and prospective conditions; incloses notice of blockade of Cape Haitian by revolutionary government and his reply declining to acknowledge blockade or recognize that government. Incloses correspondence with consul at Cape Haitian and commander of the Machias, and text of protest of the captain of the Paloma. 627
530 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Aug. 16 Same subject. Incloses instructions issued by Treasury Department to collectors in order to prevent violation of neutrality of United States, and states that diplomatic and consular officers of Haiti may bring facts to knowledge of local United States officers. 635
531 Same to same Aug. 18 Same subject. States that blockade of Cape Haitian has been abandoned by Admiral Killick. 636
532 Same to same do Same subject. States that views reported in dispatch No. 1123, of July 25, concerning request of Haitian Government that insurgent vessel and admiral be considered as pirates, coincide with Department’s previous instructions. 636
1141 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Aug. 20 Same subject. Reports movements in the field and proceedings in the Congress during the week. Incloses letter from consular agent at Petit Goave. 636
533 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Aug. 21 Same subject. Incloses letters of Aug. 18 from and Aug. 21 to Department of Justice touching preservation of neutrality of the United States. 639
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). Aug. 29 Same subject. Reports movements in the field 639
1146 Same to same Do Same subject. Reviews events of the week; incloses correspondence with revolutionist leader Firmin, and states that provisional government has sought his mediation. 640
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 3 Same subject. Reports that Admiral Killick stopped and searched a German vessel. 644
Mr. Leger to Mr. Hay Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape from. 682
1150 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Sept. 6 Revolution. Reviews events and conditions. Incloses proclamation of revolutionist leader Firmin and correspondence with provisional government relative to seizure of arms on German steamer Markomannia. 645
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 7 Same subject. Reports sinking of insurgent vessel Crête by German war ship Panther. 649
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports that Admiral Killick and crew escaped. 649
1154 Same to same do Same subject. Transmits various reports of the sinking of the Crête. 649
Mr. Adee to Mr. Léger Sept. 8 Accident to President Roosevelt. Acknowledges note of Sept. 4, with appreciation. 682
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). Sept. 9 Revolution. States that it is reported that Admiral Killick and two officers went down with the Crête. 650
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject. Reports that Government has published decree closing ports of Gonaives, St. Marc, and Port de Paix. 650
Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell (telegram). Sept. 10 Same subject. States that United States Government does not recognize closure of ports by mere decree: that blockade must be effective. 650
538 Same to same do Same subject. Approves refusal to recognize a paper blockade. 651
540 Same to same Sept. 11 Same subject. Confirms Department’s telegram of 10th instant, and incloses instruction to consul-general at Santo Domingo relative to blockade by decree. 651
Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject, States that French and German vessels have been permitted to enter closed port, and he has demanded same right for American vessels. 652
Mr. Adee to Mr. Powel (telegram). 1902. Sept. 11 Same subject. States that refusal to recognize blockade should be based on grounds set forth in Department’s telegram of Sept. 10. 652
1157 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay Sept. 12 Same subject. Incloses decree of blockade referred to in telegram of Sept. 9; reports interview with President Canal, and incloses correspondence. 653
541 Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell Sept. 13 Same subject. Confirms Department’s telegram of Sept. 11, and points out irrelevancy of argument presented in legation’s telegram of Sept. 11. 655
1158 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay do Same subject. Reports revolutionary movement and political conditions of the week. 655
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 19 Same subject. Reports that Government advises of blockade of Gonaives and St. Marc. 663
1167 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram 663
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 22 Same subject. Reports that Government states there is a chartered vessel cruising at each blockaded port. 664
1171 Same to same do Same subject. Weekly report of revolutionary and political conditions. 664
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 25 Same subject. Reports that there are no Haitian vessels at blockaded ports. 666
1175 Same to same Sept. 27 Same subject. Weekly report of revolutionary and political conditions. 666
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 28 Same subject. Transmits request that naval vessel be sent to Port de Paix. 668
1176 Same to same Oct. 2 Same subject. Reports on loans contracted by Government. 668
1178 Same to same Oct. 3 Same subject. Reports interview with President Canal at which position of the United States on question of blockade by decree was stated. 669
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 6 Same subject. Reports that Government states it will place armed vessels at Gonaives and St. Marc. 670
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 7 Same subject. States that time of blockade has been changed to commence Oct. 12. 670
1181 Same to same do Same subject. Reports interviews with President Canal and presidential candidates relative to good offices of legation toward restoration of peace. 670
Mr. Terres to Mr. Hay (telegram). Oct. 16 Same subject. Reports that St. Marc has capitulated to provisional government. 673
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 17 Same subject. Reports surrender of Gonaives, and embarkation of Firmin and his followers. 673
1193 Same to same Oct. 22 Same subject. Reports political conditions quiet and likely to remain so until election of President takes place. 673
Same to same (telegram) Nov. 5 Same subject. Reports that political refugees at Gonaives are claimed by General Nord, and that consul has been instructed not to deliver them. 673
1196 Same to same do Same subject. Reports that President of provisional government telegraphed orders not to use force in seizing refugees above referred to. 674
1197 Same to same Nov. 7 Same subject. Reports conflict between returning volunteers and regular troops in Port au Prince. 674
550 Mr. Hay to Mr. Powell Nov. 21 Same subject. Refers to dispatch No 1196, Nov. 5, and states that the United States could object to political refugees being taken from its consulates by force, but could not shelter fugitives from orderly processes of courts. 675
1198 Mr. Terres to Mr. Hay do Same subject. Reports that political situation is unchanged, and arrival of General Nord and his army in about ten days is expected to decide presidential question. 675
1199 Same to same Dec. 10 Same subject. Reports that quiet prevails, and anticipates that presidential election will soon take place. 676
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 16 Same subject. Reports great excitement over arrival of General Nord. 676
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 22 Same subject. Reports that General Nord has been elected President. 677
1204 Same to same do Same subject. Reports that General Nord took possession of palace on Dec. 18, was acclaimed President, the choice being sanctioned by the assembly on Dec. 21. 677
[Page LXIV]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
71 Mr. Kay to Mr. Moyer 1902. Jan. 29 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses note of Chinese minister applying for good offices of United States in securing, expresses views of the United States on the subject, and instructs to ascertain views of the Italian Government. 185
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Italian Government memorandum of Feb. 1 expressing views of the United States. 26
145 Mr. Meyer to Mr. Hay Feb. 24 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Reports that Italian Government is not opposed to, on principle, but will await action of other powers. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs. 189
Same to same (telegram) May 31 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports assent of Italy. 683
162 Same to same June 2 Same subject. Confirms above telegram and incloses note from minister for foreign affairs. 683
Mr. Hay to Mr. Iddings Aug. 11 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to minister for foreign affairs. 42
Signor Mayor to Mr. Hay Sept. 5 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations of King of Italy on escape. 683
Mr. Iddings to Mr. Hay Sept. 6 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. Reports having left a copy of instruction of Aug. 11 with minister for foreign affairs. 684
70 Mr. Adee to Signor Mayor Sept. 11 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses appreciation of note of Sept. 5. 684
197 Mr. Iddings to Mr. Hay Oct. 7 Jews in Roumania, Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. Reports interview with minister for foreign affairs, and states that Italy is very little concerned in the Question 684
204 Mr. Meyer to Mr. Hay Nov. 6 Passport application of Antonio Basile. Reports refusal to grant. 685
125 Mr. Hay to Mr. Meyer Dec. 9 Same subject. Approves action reported above 685


[Page LXV] [Page LXVI]
No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
591 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay 1901. Oct. 24 Taxation of buildings on perpetually leased ground in Japan. Incloses note from Japanese minister for foreign affairs stating position of Japanese Government in the matter. 687
599 Same to same Nov. 15 Same subject. Incloses statement of foreign leaseholders, and discusses in light of diplomatic correspondence of the Japanese Government with other treaty powers. 688
601 Same to same Nov. 22 Same subject. Incloses note to minister for foreign affairs reserving rights of United States citizens to eventual refund of taxes. 694
602 Same to same Nov. 29 Same subject. Incloses note from minister of foreign affairs assuring that United States citizens will not be discriminated against; and reports that taxes are still opposed by representatives and citizens of France, Germany, and Great Britain. 694
377 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck Dec. 12 Same subject. Reserves expression of opinion until position and representations of other powers are known. 695
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 18 Same subject. States that Americans should pay the tax under protest. 696
606 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay Dec. 20 Same subject. Reports that consuls have been instructed to advise payment under protest. Incloses letter to consul-general at Yokohama giving minister’s views. States that to eizure for nonpayment of taxes has yet been made, but may be at any time, and that Japanese Government declines arbitration. 696
611 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 4 Same subject. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs stating that tax officials of Yokohama will be advised to accept payment under protest. 697
Same to same (telegram). Jan. 18 Same subject. Reports that payment, even under protest, is still refused by many Americans; enforcement has been suspended until Jan. 25, and inquires if he shall officially suggest arbitration if representatives of other powers do so. 698
Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck (tel egram). do Same subject. Instructs to officially suggest arbitration, and to endeavor to have enforcement of collection of tax suspended. 698
616 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay Jan. 20 Same subject. Incloses copies of representations of British, French, German, and Netherlands legations, protesting against tax, and states that other powers have not taken position. Reports that no opposition is made to collection of taxes on income from perpetual leases. 699
385 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck Jan. 29 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Incloses note of Chinese minister applying for good offices of United States in securing, expresses views of the United States on the subject, and instructs to ascertain views of the Japanese Government. 185
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Japanese Government memorandum of Feb. 1, expressive views of the United States. 26
618 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay do Taxation of buildings on perpetually leased ground in Japan. Reports that foreign ministers will take no further official action pending receipt of instructions from their respective Governments, and that no steps have yet been taken by Japanese Government to enforce payment of tax. 704
623 Same to same Mar. 7 Restoration of Tientsin to Chinese authorities. Reports that Japanese Government concurs in Views of the United States. Incloses notes to and from minister for foreign affairs. 189
625 Same to same Mar. 11 Taxation of buildings on perpetually leased ground in Japan. Reports that Japanese Government has decided to submit to arbitration. 705
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 17 Same subject. Inquires if he shall ask that the United States be made a party to the arbitration. 705
627 Same to same Mar. 18 Same subject. Confirms above telegram, which was sent in consequence of inclosed resolutions of American citizens at Yokohama. 705
Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck (telegram). Mar. 19 Same subject. Instructs to propose an exchange of notes by which Japan and the United States will agree to abide by decision in the arbitration between Japan and other States touching both house and income tax, and that Japan will agree to apply the principle equally to nationals of the United States, France, Germany, mid Great Britain. Should Japan decline this proposition Mr. Buck is to request that the United States become a party to the arbitration. 707
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 24 Same subject. Instructs to take no action on above telegram, the required assurance having been given through Japanese minister to the; United States. 708
629 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay Mar. 26 Same subject. Incloses notes to and from minister for foreign affairs in accordance with Department’s telegram of Mar. 19. Reports that Japan will not submit question of income tax to arbitration. 708
399 Mr. Hill to Mr. Buck Apr. 12 Same subject. Incloses memoranda from and to British embassy, and instructs to suggest, in accordance therewith, that the question be decided in all its bearings by the contemplated arbitration. 709
400 Same to same Apr. 14 Same subject. States that minister should not, without instructions, request that the United States be made a party to the arbitration. 710
402 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck Apr. 25 Same subject. Refers to instruction No. 399, Apr. 12, and incloses memoranda from and to British embassy. 711
637 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay 1902. Apr. 26 Same subject. States that proposal of Japanese Government to submit to arbitration is likely to be withdrawn on account of endeavors of British minister to have other questions in eluded. Incloses correspondence between British minister and Japanese minister for for eign affairs. 712
405 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck May 7 Same subject. Explains apparent change of attitude of Department on question of arbitration. 716
642 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay May 14 Same subject. Incloses note to minister for foreign affairs declaring that the United States expect arbitration to decide all points in controversy, as directed in instruction No. 399, Apr. 12. 717
643 Same to same May 16 Same subject. Incloses reply to note referred to in above dispatch, in which Japanese Government declines to submit to arbitration any other question than that of the house tax, which it contends is the only one that has been submitted to diplomatic discussion. 718
647 Same to same June 2 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Japan. 730
651 Same to same June 9 Taxation of buildings on perpetually leased ground in Japan. Acknowledges instruction No. 405, of May 7, and states that Department’s position has been carefully noted. 718
411 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck June 11 Same subject. Approves note transmitted in dispatch No. 642, May 14. 719
660 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay June 26 Same subject. Incloses correspondence of the British, French, and German ministers with the Japanese foreign office relative to scope of the contemplated arbitration. 720
414 Mr. Hay to Mr. Buck July 18 Same subject. Gives reasons why the United States, while adhering to its promise not to become a party to the proposed arbitration, believes it to be for the best interests of all concerned that every question connected therewith should be adjusted by the tribunal. 724
671 Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay Aug. 15 Same subject. Reports that scope of arbitration appears to have been determined, and protocol, substance of which is given, will likely be signed in a few days. 725
672 Same to same Aug. 18 Same subject. Reports that collection of taxes will be suspended on the signing of the arbitration protocol. 726
Minister for foreign affairs of Japan to Japanese minister to the United States (telegram). Sept. 6 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations of Emperor of Japan on escape from injury. 731
Mr. Adee to Mr. Takahira (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above, with appreciation. 731
424 Mr. Adee to Mr. Buck Sept. 23 Taxation of buildings on perpetually leased ground in Japan. Expresses satisfaction at suspension of collection of taxes announced in dispatch No. 672. Aug. 18. 726
685 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay Sept. 27 Same subject. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs, accompanying copy of protocol of arbitration signed Aug. 18, with Great Britain, France, and Germany, submitting question to three members of the International Court of Arbitration. 727
Mr. Ferguson to Mr. Hay (telegram). Dec. 4 Death of Alfred E. Buck, United States minister to Japan, announced. 731
Memorandum. Mr. Takahira to Mr. Hay. do Same subject. Conveys condolence of Imperial Government. 731
88 Mr. Hay to Mr. Takahira Dec. 11 Same subject. Acknowledges above, with appreciation. 732


[Page LXVII]
No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
445 Mr. Paddock to Mr. Hay 1902. Mar. 15 Amendment (proposed) to land regulations of foreign settlement at Chemulpo, which will admit all consuls to municipal council, reported. 733
456 Mr. Allen to Mr. Hay May 7 Same subject. Submits Japanese amendment, under which only consuls of treaty powers holding land directly or through citizens or subjects would sit in municipal council. 736
472 Mr. Allen to Mr. Hay 1902. June 3 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Korea. 736
196 Mr. Hay to Mr. Allen June 12 Amendment to land regulations of foreign settlement at Chemulpo. States that amendment proposed by Japanese Government may be agreed to. 735
The Emperor of Korea to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 16 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape. 737
President Roosevelt to the Emperor of Korea (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram 737


[Page LXVIII] [Page LXIX]
No. From and to whom. Date Subject. Page.
563 Mr. Wharton to Mr. Ryan 1891. Aug. 3 Claim of the Catholic Church of California (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. Instructs to invite attention of Mexican Government to, and request satisfactory adjustment. 738
737 Mr. Ryan to Mr. Blaine Aug. 17 Same subject. Incloses his note to Mexican minister for foreign affairs regarding. 739
684 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Ryan 1892. Feb. 19 Same subject. Instructs to request reply to above-mentioned note. 740
820 Mr. Foster to Mr. Ryan Sept. 15 1897. Same subject and tenor 740
57 Mr. Day to Mr. Clayton July 17 Same subject. Instructs to again bring matter to attention of Mexican Government. 741
96 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Sherman. Sept. 1 Same subject. Incloses his note to Mexican minister for foreign affairs regarding. 741
152 Same to same Oct. 21 Same subject. Incloses reply of minister for foreign affairs advancing opinion, for reasons stated, that diplomatic intervention is, at this time, armature. 742
169 Mr. Sherman to Mr. Clayton. Oct. 30 Same subject. Incloses letter from Mr. Doyle giving a concrete statement of the circumstances and particulars of the claim. 744
331 Same to same 1898. Mar. 10 Same subject. Incloses letter from Mr. Doyle presenting arguments and observations in response to statements of Mexican minister for foreign affairs. 747
409 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Sherman. May 4 Same subject. Reports having brought Mr. Doyle’s communication, above referred to, to attention of Mexican minister for foreign affairs. 751
263 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton 1899. Dec. 4 Same subject. Disputes contention of Mexican Government that diplomatic intervention is premature, argues question, and instructs to urge payment of claim. 751
532 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay 1900. Feb. 9 Same subject. Incloses his note to minister for foreign affairs, transmitting instruction No. 263, Dec. 4. 1899. 753
369 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton June 7 Same subject. States that the claim, having been once arbitrated, is considered res judicata. 753
703 Mr. McCreery to Mr. Hay June 14 Same subject. Incloses his note to minister for foreign affairs, calling attention to above instruction. 754
848 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Dec. 14 Same subject. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs questioning the right of the Commission to pass upon the original claim, arguing that the present claim is a new one that should first be tried in the Mexican courts, and discussing the point of res judicata alleged in Department’s instruction No. 369, June 7, 1900. 754
543 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton 1901. July 18 Same subject. Takes up and controverts arguments advanced in note above referred to; instructs to suggest arbitration or compromise, and, if the former is accepted, lays down the bases and principles for arbitration. Incloses copies of briefs of Mr. Doyle and Ralston & Siddons. 760
1038 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay 1901. Aug. Claim of Michael Brown v. Mexico, on accoun of illegal eviction and imprisonment. Report action of embassy and incloses correspondence. 786
1052 Same to same Aug. 21 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v Mexico. Incloses note to minister for foreign affairs, transmitting documents forwarded with instruction No. 543, July 18, 1901. 775
1176 Same to same Nov. Same subject. Reports interview with minister for foreign affairs, who had not read the documents submitted to him. 776
1181 Same to same Nov. 13 Same subject. Reports having informally discussed question of arbitration with minister for foreign affairs. 777
605 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton Nov. 21 Same subject. Approves course reported in above dispatch, and states that terms of arbitration and names of arbitrators should be reported in advance for approval of Department. 778
613 Same to same Dec. 7 Enforced enlistment in and discharge from Mexican army of Francisco Cuero, an American Indian. Incloses correspondence and instructs to use good offices. 789
1215 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Dec. 16 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. Reports that agreement to submit to arbitration has been reached. Incloses notes exchanged with minister for foreign affairs. 778
1237 Same to same 1902. Jan. 16 Enforced enlistment in and discharge from Mexican army of Francisco Cuero, an American Indian. Reports that discharge has been ordered. Incloses correspondence. 791
635 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton Jan. 23 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. Instructs to propose arbitration by The Hague International Tribunal. 780
244 Mr. de Azpiroz to Mr. Hay Jan. 24 Consular immunities in the absence of treaty stipulations. Submits case of Mexican consul at Pensacola, Fla., of whom personal taxes are demanded by the county. 792
Mr. Hill to Mr. de Azpiroz Feb. 6 Passage through United States of remains of late Mexican minister to Austria-Hungary. States that courtesies will be extended on occasion of. 794
249 Mr. de Azpiroz to Mr. Hay Feb. 7 Same subject. Acknowledges above note and expresses appreciation. 794
1274 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Feb. 21 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico. Incloses correspondence and reports particularly case of Nathaniel F. Bonsall. 795
222 Mr. Hay to Mr. de Azpiroz. Feb. 28 Consular immunities in the absence of treaty stipulations. States that Mexican consul at Pensacola, Fla., will be exempted from payment of personal taxes. 794
656 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton Mar. 4 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico. Acknowledges dispatch No. 1274, Feb. 21, and states that it is unnecessary to pursue subject further. 808
664 Mr. Hill to Mr. Clayton Mar. 13 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. Suggests that it would be to the credit of both countries to be the first States to submit an international controversy to The Hague Tribunal. 780
1311 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Mar. 27 Same subject. Reports acceptance by Mexico of the Arbitration Tribunal at The Hague. Incloses correspondence. 780
1348 Mr. McCreery to Mr. Hay May 7 Treaty of compulsory arbitration between Mexico and Spain. Incloses text. 813
261 Mr. de Azpiroz to Mr. Hay May 10 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. States that he has received instructions to perfect the protocol for arbitration by the International Tribunal of The Hague. 782
1357 Mr. McCreery to Mr. Hay May 16 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico. Incloses correspondence regarding case of Nathaniel F. Bonsall. 808
Mr. Hay to Mr. de Azpiroz May 20 Claim of the Catholic Church (Pious Fund) v. Mexico. Submits draft of protocol for arbitration. 783
1394 Mr. McCreery to Mr. Hay May 29 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular oflicials. Reports consent of Mexico. 815
1413 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay June 11 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico. Reports on and incloses correspondence regarding case of Nathaniel F. Bonsall. 810
1430 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay 1902. June 17 Treaty of commerce and navigation between Austria-Hungary and Mexico. Incloses text. 815
1434 Same to same June 19 Claim of Michael Brown v. Mexico, on account of illegal eviction and imprisonment. Reports payment of indemnity of $10,000 to Brown Incloses correspondence. 788
727 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton June 21 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens railway employees, in Mexico. Acknowledges dispatch No. 1413, June 11, and states that it is not perceived that any further action can be taken in the case of Nathaniel F. Bonsall. 812
730 Mr. Hill to Mr. Clayton June 28 Claim of Michael Brown v. Mexico on account of illegal eviction and imprisonment. Expresses gratification at adjustment of. 789
736 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton July 14 Jurisdiction of United States consuls over disputes and differences between masters, officers, and crews of American vessels in Mexican ports. Incloses letters from the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. regarding, and instructs to ask that Mexican Government accord to American vessels the usual treatment given in the United States by comity, and to suggest a supplemental treaty article on the subject. 816
1485 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay July 26 Denials of justice to United States citizens. Submits proposed communication to consular officers relative to prompt action regarding, and requests Department’s approval of same. 828
1529 Same to same Aug. 15 Jurisdiction of United States consuls over disputes and differences between masters, officers, and crews of American vessels in Mexican ports. Incloses notes to minister for foreign affairs proposing additional treaty article and suggesting that matter be left in the meanwhile with consuls by comity. 819
762 Mr. Adee to Mr. Clayton Aug. 18 Denials of justice to United States citizens. Approves course submitted in dispatch No. 1485, July 26. 829
1547 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Aug. 26 Jurisdiction of United States consuls over disputes and differences between masters, officers, and crews of American vessels in Mexican ports. Reports that proposal for additional convention has been referred to the law officers of the Mexican foreign office. 829
1555 Same to same Aug. 28 Denials of justice to United States citizens. Incloses circular letter to consuls directing them to report to embassy cases of. 829
President Diaz to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape. 830
President Roosevelt to President Diaz (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram with appreciation. 831
1567 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Sept. 6 Arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, railway employees, in Mexico. Reports that appeal in case of Nathaniel F. Bonsall has been rejected by the supreme court. 812
Mr. Adee to Mr. Clayton Sept. 9 Denials of justice to United States citizens. Approves action reported in dispatch No. 1555. Aug. 28. 830
1583 Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay Sept. 19 Message of the President of Mexico to Congress. Passages relating to the Pious Fund claim and the silver Question. 831
1614 Same to same Oct. 24 Jurisdiction of United States consuls over disputes and differences between masters, officers, and crews of American vessels in Mexican ports. Reports that the law of Mexico recognizes, and the minister for foreign affairs deems an additional treaty article unnecessary. Incloses correspondence. 821
1618 Same to same Nov. 4 Reception of General Carlos Garcia Velez, Cuban minister to Mexico, reported. 832
803 Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton Nov. 17 Jurisdiction of United States consuls over disputes and differences between masters, officers, and crews of American vessels in Mexican ports. Incloses Department circular to consuls in Mexico defining their rights and powers. 827
[Page LXX]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
453 Mr. Newel to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 9 Passport application of Juliaan Johan Becker. Submits for instructions. 834
306 Mr. Hay to Mr. Newel Jan. 29 Same subject. Approves refusal to issue 834
Same to same Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Netherlands Government memorandum of Feb. 1. expressing views of the United States. 26
Mr. Newel to Mr. Hay June 20 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Netherlands Government. 835

nicaragua, costa rica, and salvador.

[Page LXXI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
425 Mr. Hay to Mr. Merry 1901. Oct. 25 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador by United States officials. Instructs to request permission of Government of Salvador to extend. 836
Mr. Penfleld, Solictor Department of State, to the Secretary of State. Claims of the Salvador Commercial Co. et al. v. Salvador. Transmits report containing statement of case and pointing out liability of Salvador. 838
Señor Zaldivar to Mr. Hay Oct. 30 Same subject. Proposes arbitration 856
429 Mr. Hay to Mr. Merry Dec. 10 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador by United States officials. Advises that Danish Government will issue notice to its subjects informing them of. 836
Protocol of agreement between the United States and Salvador. Dec. 19 Claims of the Salvador Commercial Co. et al. v. Salvador. Providing for arbitration. 857
665 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 4 Treaty relations with Salvador. Termination of, and its possible effect on the status of consuls in Salvador. Reports that United States consul has been advised by legation to proceed as if treaties were still in operation. 880
438 Mr. Hay to Mr. Merry Jan. 11 Claim of Rosa Gelbtrunk v. Salvador. Instructs to suggest submission to arbitrators of claim of Salvador Commercial Co. 873
446 Same to same Jan. 22 Treaty relations with Salvador. States that treaty of amity, etc., having been abrogated, legation’s suggestion to consul-general, reported in dispatch No. 665, Jan. 4, was erroneous. 880
686 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hay Feb. 9 Treaty between Central American States providing for the arbitration of differences. Transmits text. 881
691 Same to same Feb. 20 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador by United States officials. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs authorizing in the same manner and under the same conditions now applying to Chinese. 836
694 Same to same Mar. 1 Treaty between Central American states providing for the arbitration of differences. Reports adhesion of Guatemala, and discusses effects of visit of President of Salvador to Guatemala, and of the treaty on the peace of Central America. 883
696 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hill Do Claim of Rosa Gelbtrunk v. Salvador. Reports that Government of Salvador accepts arbitration provided it be allowed thirty days from date of acceptance by the Department of State for preparation of its case. 874
457 Mr. Hay to Mr. Merry Mar. 7 Protection of Danish interests in Salvador by United States officials. Directs that consuls be instructed to extend, with same restrictions as apply to Chinese subjects. 837
Mr. Hill to Mr. Merry (telegram). Mar. 14 Claim of Rosa Gelbtrunk v. Salvador. Grants 30 days’ delay, as requested, and states that this action closes agreement to arbitrate. 875
698 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hill Mar. 15 Same subject. Incloses notes to minister for foreign affairs of Salvador in accordance with above telegram. 875
Sir Henry Strong, Don M. Dickinson, and José Rosa Pacas, arbitrators. Apr. 26 Same subject. Opinion in case 877
Same May 2 Same subject. Award 876
Sir Henry Strong and Don M. Dickinson, arbitrators. May 8 Claims of the Salvador Commercial Co. et al. v. Salvador. Award. 859
Same Do Same subject. Opinion 862
726 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hay 1902. May 31 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Costa Rica. 883
733 Same to same June 18 Same subject. Reports consent of Salvador 884
734 Same to same June 20 Same subject. Reports consent of Nicaragua 884
747 Same to same July 19 Transit across the Isthmus of Panama under treaty of 1846. Incloses correspondence in regard to detention of arms destined for Nicaragua by Colombian authorities, and suggests that free transit be required by the United States. 884
492 Mr. Adee to Mr. Merry Aug. 5 Same subject. States that treaty of 1846 was made for the benefit of the contracting parties, and does not impair the rights of Colombia to place an embargo on the traffic of other states. 886
757 Mr. Merry to Mr. Hay Aug. 31 Same subject. Incloses further appeal from President of Nicaragua, and takes position that guaranty of the United States applies to all countries. 887
President Regalado to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 10 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses sympathy. 889
President Roosevelt to President Regalado (telegram). Sept. 12 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with thanks. 889
500 Mr. Adee to Mr. Merry do Transit across the Isthmus of Panama. Guaranty of, by the United States under treaty of 1846. Acknowledges and discusses dispatch No. 757, Aug. 31; points out inapplicability of art. 17 to the stoppage of arms shipped to Nicaragua, and declares that so long as rights of American vessels and citizens are not interfered with the United States can not intervene. 888


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
4 Mr. Griscom to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 24 Railway construction monopoly in Persia held by Russia. Reports. 890
The Shah of Persia to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses sympathy. 890
President Roosevelt to the Shah of Persia (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram with thanks. 890


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
547 Mr. Neill to Mr. Hay 1901. Nov. 27 Arbitration protocol between Peru and Bolivia. Reports signing of. 891
550 Same to same Dec. 16 Adoption of gold standard in Peru. Incloses law providing for. 891
564 Same to same 1902. Jan. 18 Same subject. Incloses decree providing for demonetization of 500,000 soles silver. 894
278 Mr. Hay to Mr. Neill Jan. 27 Arbitration protocol between Peru and Bolivia. Instructs to forward copy to Department. 891
572 Mr. Neill to Mr. Hay Feb. 18 Same subject. Forwards copy of 891
580 Same to same Mar. 10 Adoption of gold standard in Peru. Incloses copy of arrangement for demonetization of 500,000 soles silver. 895
611 Mr. Dudley to Mr. Hay June 3 Same subject. Incloses decree providing for demonetization of 500,000 soles silver. 897
612 Same to same June 9 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Peru. 898
621 Same to same June 28 Same subject. Reports request of Cubans at Lima to have their names registered at the legation. Incloses for approval or correction his letter giving permission for provisional registration. 899
286 Mr. Hill to Mr. Dudley July 24 Same subject, Approves course reported in above dispatch. 900
637 Mr. Dudley to Mr. Hay July 30 Extracts from message of President of Peru to Peruvian Congress transmitted. 900
Señor Calderon to the Acting Secretary of State (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape. 903
Mr. Adee to Señor Calderon (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with thanks. 903
[Page LXXII]


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Loomis to Mr. Hay. 1902. May 30 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Portugal. 904
The King of Portugal to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses sympathy and good wishes. 904
President Roosevelt to the King of Portugal (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with appreciation. 904


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
20 Mr. Francis to Mr. Hay 1902. Mar. 10 Financial conditions in Roumania. Elaborate report on. 905
27 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay June 16 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Roumania. 909
14 Mr. Hay to Mr. Wilson July 17 Jews in Roumania. Discusses proposed naturalization convention between the United States and Roumania; discriminations in the latter country against Jews; condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objections of United States Government to immigration of such persons. 910
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay Aug. 8 Same subject. Reports that naturalization treaty will not be considered by Roumania, the main objection being based on the Jewish question. 914
15 Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson Aug. 22 Same subject. Incloses copy of instruction to diplomatic officers of the United States in countries parties to the treaty of Berlin. 915


[Page LXXIII] [Page LXXIV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Count Cassini to Mr. Hay 1901. Dec. 28 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Complains of proceedings of United States consul at Niuchwang, antagonistic to Russian authorities in charge of the city. Requests that consul be suitably instructed. 916
Mr. Hay to Count Cassini Dec. 30 Same subject. States that Department has not given, nor will it give, instructions to consul which would cause conflict with Russian administration. 917
269 Mr. Hill to Mr. Tower Dec. 31 Same subject. Incloses copies of above correspondence. 918
517 Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 13 Same subject. Reports that the conflict between United States seamen and Russian soldiers at Niuchwang is regarded as an incident of local and minor importance by the minister for foreign affairs. 918
Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower (telegram). Feb. 1 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Represents that signing Manchurian convention and separate convention with Russian-Chinese Bank would contravene treaties of China, affect rights of United States citizens, impair sovereignty of China, and subserve “open-door” policy accepted by Russia and other powers. 926
Same to same Feb. 3 Same subject. Incloses for communication to Russian Government memorandum of Feb. 1 expressing views of the United States. 26
Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay (telegram). do Same subject. Reports that views of United States have been communicated to Russian Government. 927
523 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms telegrams and incloses copy of his note to minister for foreign affairs. 927
275 Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower Feb. 6 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Directs investigation of reports of closing of telegraphic communication and, if facts warrant, to make remonstrance. 919
529 Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 12 Convention and arrangement between Russia and China respecting Manchuria. Incloses note from minister for foreign affairs declaring Russia’s intention to withdraw troops from Manchuria. 928
278 Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower Feb. 15 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Incloses complaint of American Asiatic Association regarding restrictions by Russian authorities on telegraphic communication. 920
280 Same to same Feb. 21 Same subject. Incloses correspondence regarding interference with telegraphic communication of United States consular and naval officers. 920
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 1 Declaration of Russia and France concerning defensive agreement between Great Britain and Japan. States that the alliance was negotiated without the knowledge of the United States, and memorandum of February 1 expressing views of the United States relative to the convention between Russia and China respecting Manchuria was sent without consultation with Great Britain or Japan. 929
Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay (telegram) Mar. 3 Same subject. Reports that above telegram has been communicated to the Russian minister for foreign affairs. 930
540 Same to same Mar. 4 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. States that reported restrictions on telegraphic communication will be investigated by the Russian Government. 923
541 Same to same do Declaration of Russia and France concerning defensive agreement between Great Britain and Japan. Incloses copy of his note to Russian minister for foreign affairs. 930
543 Same to same Mar. 13 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Reports that representations against restrictions on telegraphic communication have been orally made. 924
547 Same to same Mar. 19 Same subject. Reports that Russian Government knows of but one instance when telegrams were dispatched by mail by reason of a break in the Russian line, but it is investigating the matter 925
Memorandum from the Russian embassy. do Declaration of Russia and France concerning defensive agreement between Great Britain and Japan transmitted. 931
Memorandum to the Russian embassy. Mar. 22 Same subject. States that declaration has been received with gratification by the United States. 931
552 Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay do Same subject. Transmits explanatory remarks published in the St. Petersburg Journal. 932
293 Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower Apr. 3 Same subject. Acknowledges above dispatch I and incloses correspondence regarding. 933
565 Mr. Riddle to Mr. Hay Apr. 12 Mutual embarrassments of United States and Russian officials at Niuchwang. Incloses note from Russian ministry for foreign affairs concerning reported delays in transmission of telegrams. 926
580 Same to same June 14 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Russia. 933
Count Cassini to Mr. Hay July 19 Visit of Russian Grand Duke Boris Wladimiro-vitch to the United States. Advises of contemplated. 934
592 Mr. Riddle to Mr. Hay July 30 Partial removal of restrictions on travel and residence in central Asia reported. 936
Mr. Adee to Count Cassini Aug. 9 Visit of Russian Grand Duke Boris Wladimiro-vitch to the United States. States that a vessel has been provided to convey the Duke from the steamer to the shore at San Francisco. 934
Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower Aug. 11 Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to the minister for foreign affairs. 42
Count Cassini to Mr. Adee (telegram). 1902. Sept. 16 Visit of Russian Grand Duke Boris Wladimiro-vitch to the United States. Conveys thanks for courtesies on occasion of. 935
601 Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay Sept. 17 Jews in Roumania. Reports that instruction of Aug. 11 regarding has been delivered to the Russian minister for foretell affairs. 936
Count Cassini to Mr. Adee Sept. 25 Visit of Russian Grand Duke Boris Wladimiro-viteh to the United States. Conveys thanks for courtesies on occasion of. 935
212 Mr. Adee to Count Cassini Oct. 1 Same subject. States that above note has been communicated to the President. 935
609 Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay Oct. 2 Jews in Roumania. Reports that Department’s note of Aug. 11 is receiving consideration at the Russian foreign office. 937


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Treaty between the United States and Servia. 1902. May 17 For the mutual extradition of criminals. 938


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
111 Mr. King to Mr. Hay 1902. Feb. 6 Passports. Inquires if he may issue a passport to an American citizen residing in the jurisdiction of another United States official. 943
83 Mr. Hay to Mr. King Mar. 19 Same subject. States that passports can be issued to persons applying from the district of another United States official only under special circumstances. 943
Mr. King to Mr. Hay June 17 Protection of Cuban interests by United States i consular officials. Reports consent of Siam. 945
122 Same to same July 10 Passports. States that question propounded in dispatch No. 111, February 6, arose out of application of Henry S. Wetherbee. Incloses correspondence. 944
Mr. Akharaj to Mr. Hay July 31 Visit of the Crown Prince of Siam to the United States. Advises of, and incloses list of party and itinerary of proposed tour. 945
7 Mr. Adee to Mr. Akharaj Aug. 6 Same subject. States that above note has been forwarded to the President. 946
Mr. Akharaj to Mr. Hay Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape. 948
8 Mr. Adee to Mr. Akharaj Sept. 11 Same subject. Acknowledges above note with appreciation. 948
The King of Siam to President Roosevelt (telegram). Oct. 13 Visit of the Crown Prince of Siam to the United States. Thanks for courtesies on occasion of. 947
President Roosevelt to the King of Siam (telegram). Oct. 15 Same subject. States that it was a pleasure to meet the Crown Prince. 947
The Crown Prince of Siam to President Roosevelt (telegram). Nov. 30 Same subject. Thanks for courtesies on occasion of. 947
96 Mr. Hay to Mr. King Dec. 5 Same subject. Incloses copy of above telegram I and instructs to appropriately acknowledge. 947


[Page LXXV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer 1902. Feb. 3 Agreement between Russia and China relative to Manchuria. Incloses for communication to Spanish Government memorandum of February 1 expressing views of the United States. 26
1 Mr. Hay to Mr. Curry Feb. 13 Celebration” of majority of Alfonso XIII. Appointment and instructions as special ambassador extraordinary to represent the United States at. 954
634 Mr. Storer to Mr. Hay Feb. 26 Military-service case of Antonio Gisbert y Bayot. Reports grounds upon which enlistment is demanded, and that consul-general at Barcelona has been instructed to protest. 949
642 Mr. Storer to Mr. Hay 1092 Mar. 3 Same subject. Incloses report from consul-general at Barcelona. 950
423 Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer Mar. 10 Same subject, incloses, for proper action, dispatch from consul-general at Barcelona. 950
424 Mr. Hay to Mr. Sickles Mar. 18 Same subject. Acknowledges dispatch No. 634, February 26, and refers to above instruction. 952
427 Same to same Mar. 21 Same subject. States that requirement of Spanish Government appears to be unexceptionable, and that further action seems unnecessary for the present. 952
662 Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay May 20 Assumption of power by Alfonso XIII. Incloses announcement of. 959
Mr. Curry to Mr. Hay May 31 Celebration of majority of Alfonso XIII. Reports in detail regarding. 955
665 Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay June 5 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Spain. 960
667 Same to same June 12 Military service case of Antonio Gisbert y Bayot. Incloses report of mixed commission declaring Gisbert exempt. 952
3 Mr. Hill to Mr. Curry June 26 Celebration of majority of Alfonso XIII. Acknowledges report of May 31 with gratification. 959
447 Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer July 1 Military-service case of Antonio Gisbert y Bayot. Expresses gratification at solution reported in dispatch No. 667, June 12. 954
Señor Ojeda to Mr. Adee Sept. 24 Accident to President Roosevelt. Expresses sympathy. 960
Mr. Adee to Señor Ojeda Sept. 25 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, with thanks. 961
Señor Ojeda to Mr. Hay Nov. 5 Jurisdiction over vessels and their crews. Complaint that local officials of Pensacola, Fla., made arrests aboard a Spanish vessel without notice to Spanish consul. 961
4 Mr. Hay to Señor Ojeda Nov. 12 Same subject. Acknowledges above note, and states that the governor of Florida has been asked for a report. 962
20 Same to same Dec. 12 Same subject. Incloses report of mayor of Pensacola, Fla. 963
Señor Ojeda to Mr. Hay Dec. 22 Same subject. Acknowledges above note and states that what is desired is a remedy against infraction of international usage in searching vessels and making arrests without consul’s knowledge or consent. 965
26 Mr. Hay to Señor Ojeda. 1903. Jan. 3 Same subject. States that mayor of Pensacola reports that notice of arrests will hereafter be given to consul when practicable. 966

sweden and norway.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
278 Mr. Thomas to Mr. Hay 1902. Oct. 18 Claims on account of military operations conducted in Samoa in 1899. Preliminary decision of the King of Sweden and Norway as arbitrator. 444
282 Same to same Nov. 10 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Sweden and Norway. 967


[Page LXXVI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
43 Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay 1902. May 13 Passport application of Helena Pecare. Reports grounds of refusal to issue. 968
27 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hardy Feb. 28 Same subject. Approves action reported in above dispatch. 969
55 Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay May 2 Passport application of Bertha Knopf. Reports grounds of refusal to issue, and incloses correspondence. 969
56 Same to same do Passport application of William Strahlheim. Reports grounds of refusal to issue and incloses correspondence 973
327 Mr. Hay to Mr. Pioda May 6 Production of Paul Dick, a Swiss citizen, by United States representative in Egypt. Incloses correspondence relative to. 979
32 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hardy do Referendum and initiative. Request report on. 981
35 Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay 1902 May 19 Passport application of Bertha Knopf. Sustains refusal to issue, as reported in dispatch No. 55, May 2. 971
36 Same to same May 20 Passport application of William Strahlheim. Reviews circumstances and authorizes to grant. 975
Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay (telegram). May 28 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Swiss Government. 981
60 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms above telegram and incloses note from foreign office. 981
Memorandum from Swiss legation. May 29 Protection of Robert Beck, a Swiss citizen, by United States officials in Colombia. Recites grievances of Beck resulting from seizure by Colombian Government of mules and other property, and asks that proper steps for redress be taken by United States legation. 979
Memorandum to Swiss legation. June 10 Same subject. States that United States minister reports that everything possible was done by him in the matter and calls attention to the fact that good offices only can be used. 980
62 Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay do Referendum and initiative. Exhaustive report on. 982
63 Same to same June 13 Passport application of Meta Schwarz, born in Germany and residing without the United States at the time of her father’s naturalization, submits for instructions. 976
40 Mr. Hay to Mr. Hardy. July 2 Referendum and initiative. Commends care shown in preparation of report on. 994
41 Same to same July 15 Passport application of Meta Schwarz. Makes distinction between meaning of “dwelling” and “residing” in the United States. 977
70 Mr. Hardy to Mr. Hay Aug. 22 Execution in Switzerland of judgment of a Massachusetts court. Reports that Swiss authorities will grant if the United States will guarantee reciprocal action in similar cases. 994
72 Same to same Sept. 1 Passport application of Bernhard Kaufmann. Reports grounds of refusal to issue. 977
44 Mr. Adee to Mr. Hardy Sept. 8 Execution in Switzerland of judgment of a Massachusetts court. States that assurance of reciprocity can not be given. Cites opinion of supreme court of Massachusetts in a similar 995
46 Same to same Sept. 17 Passport application of Bernhard Kaufmann. Approves refusal to issue. 978


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay (telegram). 1901. Sept. 5 Abduction by brigands of Miss Ellen M. Stone, an American missionary, reported. 997
73 Same to same Sept. 13 Same subject. Reports in detail, and incloses correspondence. 997
75 Same to same Sept. 20 Same subject. Reports that no word has been received from Miss Stone. 999
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 23 Same subject. Reports probability that brigands are Bulgarians, and states that he has advised United States consul-general at Constantinople to proceed to Sofia and take matter up with Bulgarian Government. 1000
79 Same to same Sept. 24 Same subject. Reports on line of above telegram and incloses correspondence. 1000
Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay (telegram). Sept. 28 Same subject. Reports receipt of a letter from Miss Stone stating that ransom of 25,000 Turkish pounds is demanded for her release. 1004
Mr. Hill to Mr. Eddy (telegram). do Same subject. States that Consul-General Dickinson has been instructed as to conduct of matter in its Bulgarian aspects, and directs legation to do all in its power with the Turkish Government. 1001
89 Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay. Oct. 2 Same subject. Incloses letter from Miss Stone and reviews situation. 1004
1 Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy (telegram). Oct. 3 Same subject. Directs to invoke good offices of Russian ambassador, or any other foreign minister who may be able to render assistance. 1007
Same to same (telegram). Oct. 4 Same subject. Instructs to impress upon Turkish Government the extreme gravity of the affair, and to request aid of that Government in securing Miss Stone’s release. 1007
Same to same (telegram) do 1007
Mr. Eddy to Mr. Ade (telegram). 1901. Oct. 5 Same subject. Reports attitude of Turkish Government and efforts toward release of Miss-Stone. 1007
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports action of various foreign ministers. 1008
Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy (telegram). do Same subject. States that missionary board, nor United States, will pay ransom; that friends of Miss Stone are endeavoring to raise money. 1008
Same to same (telegram) Do Same subject. Instructs to say that United States expects Miss Stone’s deliverance will be brought about by Turkish Government. 1008
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 6 Same subject. States that mission board reports that ransom will be raised, and expresses appreciation of efforts of legation and foreign ministers. 1008
Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay (telegram). Oct. 7 Same subject. Reports progress of efforts of Turkish Government and foreign ambassadors. 1009
Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy (telegram). Oct. 8 1 Same subject. Directs not to relax efforts for Miss Stone’s release. 1009
Mr. Eddy to Mr. Adee (telegram). Oct. 9 Same subject. Reports action at Sofia of Consul-General Dickinson, which he fears may prove dangerous to Miss Stone’s safety. 1009
Same to same (telegram) . Oct. 11 Same subject. Reports that plan of Consul-General Dickinson has failed, and advises negotiations for payment of ransom. 1010
Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs in regard to representations to be made to Turkish Government. 1010
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 12 Same subject. States that money raised amounts to 856.000. 1011
Mr. Hay to Mr. Eddy (telegram). Oct. 16 Same subject. States that total amount raised is 864.000. 1011
Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy (telegram). Oct. 23 Same subject. States that total amount raised is 866,000. 1011
112 Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay Dec. 4 Same subject. Incloses an account of manner in which Colonel Singe’s ransom was paid and his release by Greek brigands effected some twenty-five years ago. 1011
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 12 Same subject. Reports that he intends to make another effort to effect Miss Stone’s release for 866,000. 1013
116 Same to same Dec. 13 Same subject. Confirms above telegrams with details. 1013
117A Same to same Dec. 15 Same subject. Incloses and discusses memorandum of Dr. Washburn. 1015
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 20 Same subject. Reports favorable news from party sent to effect rescue. 1017
124 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay 1902. Jan. 9 Passport application of Assadur H. Kludjian. Reports grounds of refusal, and incloses correspondence. 1023
93 Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman. Jan. 11 Abduction by brigands of Miss Ellen M. Stone, an American missionary. States that Department has not at its disposal any greater sum than that previously advised of, and work Point advise the raising of more. 1017
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay (telegram). Jan. 19 Same subject. Reports resumption and progress of negotiations with brigands. 1018
129 Same to same Jan. 20 Same subject. Reports that arrangements concluded with brigands by the commission have been approved as the best obtainable, and reports dispositions made for the forwarding of ransom. Incloses correspondence. 1018
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 28 Same subject. Reports temporary interruption of negotiations. 1020
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 3 Same subject. Reports resumption of negotiations. 1020
108 Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman Feb. 10 Passport application of Assadur H. Kludjian. Discusses question, and approves refusal to issue. 1024
Mr Leishman to Mr Hay (telegram). Feb. 12 Abduction by brigands of Miss Ellen M. Stone, an American missionary. Reports payment of ransom. 1021
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 18 Same subject. Explains difficulties which cause delay in release of Miss Stone. 1021
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 22 Same subject. Reports assuring message from brigands. 1021
Same to same (telegram). Feb. 23 Same subject. Reports release of Miss Stone. 1021
Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman (telegram). Feb. 26 Same subject. Extends congratulations on effected release of Miss Stone. 1022
143 Mr Leishman to Mr. Hay Mar. 1 Same subject. Commends exceptional services of Interpreter Gargiulo and Second Dragoman Lemmi in the negotiations that culminated in Miss Stone’s release, and acknowledges assistance rendered by the British embassy and consuls. 1022
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay (telegram). 1902. Mar. 20 Exchange of compliments between the President of the United States and the Sultan of Turkey on the recurrence of the Bairam. Convey compliments of the Sultan. 1025
President Roosevelt to the Sultan of Turkey (telegram). Mar. 24 Same subject. Tenders felicitations 1026
The Sultan of Turkey to President Roosevelt (telegram). Mar. 25 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram with thanks. 1026
158 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay. Do Same subject. Reports that the President’s con gratulatory telegram to the Sultan was highly gratifying to the latter and will be productive of beneficial effects. 1026
143 Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman. Apr. 25 Restrictions on American life-insurance companies in Turkey. Incloses correspondence and instructs to report. 1026
153 Same to same May 8 Abduction by brigands of Miss Ellen M. Stone an American missionary. Instructs to express appreciation of services of persons mentioned in dispatch No. 143, Mar. 1. 1023
209 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay. June 9 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Incloses notes to minister for foreign affairs relative to. 1041
210 Same to same June 10 Restrictions on American life-insurance companies in Turkey. Reports that restrictions are not discriminatory and have been represented against by European representatives, but without success. Incloses correspondence. 1030
218 Same to same July 1 Same subject. Reports that matter could be arranged by foreign insurance companies agreeing to make slight concessions. 1036
Mr. Hill to Mr. Leishman (telegram). July 9 Same subject. Advises of seizure of policies of New York Life Insurance Co. and instructs to investigate and use good offices. 1036
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay (telegram). July 11 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram and reports that demand has been made for return of policies. 1037
237 Same to same July 24 Protection of American interests by British vice-consul at Bitlis. Incloses letter from United States consul at Erzerum requesting. 1042
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 7 Friction between the United States minister and the grand vizier. Reports details of, and requests permission to demand passports unless affairs are satisfactorily adjusted. 1044
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 11 Same subject. Reports advances made by the Sultan, and expresses conviction that good results will ensue from firm stand taken. 1044
Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman Do Jews in Roumania. Discriminations against, condition of helplessness to which they are reduced, and objection of United States Government to immigration of such persons. In connection with pending naturalization treaty with Roumania, discusses at length the foregoing questions, and appeals to the principles laid down in the treaty of Berlin for amelioration of said conditions. Instructs to present above considerations to the Government of turkey. 42
Mr. Adee to Mr. Leishman (telegram). Aug. 14 Friction between the United States minister and the grand vizier. Instructs to insist upon adherence to agreements made with minister for foreien affairs. 1045
216 Same to same Aug. 16 Protection of American interests by British vice-consul at Bitlis. Instructs to request authorization from foreign office for. 1043
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay (telegram). Aug. 18 Friction between the United States minister and the grand vizier. Reports details of differences and advocates a firm stand. 1045
Same to same (telegram). Aug. 21 Same subject. Reports that the Sultan promises settlement of all pending Questions. 1046
252 Same to same do 1046
Mr Adee to Mr. Leishman (telegram). Aug. 22 Same subject. Expresses gratification at settlement reached and instructs as to future procedure. 1047
253 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay. Aug. 23 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram, and makes brief statement of difficulty and its settlement. 1047
256 Aug. 26 Jews in Roumania. Reports that Department’s instruction of August 11 will be communicated to the Sublime Porte. 1048
258 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay 1902. Aug. 26 Restrictions on American life insurance companies in Turkey. Incloses correspondence with managers of the New York Life Insurance Company giving legation’s view of the situation and of the extent to which it can afford assistance. 1037
228 Mr. Adee to Mr. Leishman Aug. 27 Protection of American interests by British vice-consul at Bitlis. Instructs to apply to British ambassador for authorization of. 1043
President Roosevelt to the Sultan of Turkey (telegram). Sept. 1 Congratulations on anniversary of Sultan’s accession to throne. 1048
The Sultan of Turkey to President Roosevelt (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram with thanks. 1049
268 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay. Sept. 3 Treaty of 1830. Interpretation of Article IV. Incloses note verbale from the Porte complaining that consuls refuse to serve summonses on United States citizens and thus paralyze the action of justice, and his reply declaring inability to change or modify interpretation given to treaty by United States Government. 1019
The Sultan of Turkey to President Roosevelt (telegram). Sept. 4 Accident to President Roosevelt. Congratulations on escape. 1050
President Roosevelt to the Sultan of Turkey (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Acknowledges above telegram with thanks. 1050
272 Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay. Sept. 7 Restrictions on American life insurance companies in Turkey. Incloses correspondence with agents of New York Life Insurance Company regarding apparent discrimination in favor of English and German companies. 1039
281 Mr. Eddy to Mr Hay Sept. 17 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consuls. Reports unsatisfactory interview with minister for foreign affairs regarding. 1042
238 Mr. Adee to Mr. Eddy Sept. 20 Restrictions on American life insurance companies in Turkey. Acknowledges dispatch No. 258. August 26, and approves course reported. 1040
243 Same to same Sept. 25 Treaty of 1830. Interpretation of Article IV. Acknowledges dispatch No. 268, September 3, and approves course reported. 1050
282 Mr. Eddy to Mr. Hay. Sept. 30 Protection of American interests by British vice-consul at Bitlis. Reports that authorization has been granted for. 1044

uruguay and paraguay.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
507 Mr. Finch to Mr. Hay 1902.Jan. 11 Deposition of President Aceval and elevation of Vice-President Carvallo to Presidency of Paraguay. Transmits account of. 1051
520 Same to same Feb. 18 Reception of officers of U. S. S. Iowa by the President of Uruguay. Reports. 1055
545 Same to same June 20 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Uruguay. 1055
570 Same to same Aug. 26 Same subject. Reports consent of Paraguay 1056


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Bowen (telegram). 1902. Apr. 7 Threatened seizure of the Viking. Instructs to inquire into. 1058
Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay (telegram). Apr. 8 Same subject. Reports that Venezuelan Government denies knowledge of affair. 1058
85 same to same Apr. 20 Same subject. Incloses memorandum or me new York and Bermudez Company regarding. 1063
Mr. Hill to Mr. Bowen (telegram). Apr. 22 Same subject. Directs to investigate report that Venezuelan consul at Port of Spain refused to clear vessel 1063
Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay (telegram). Apr. 23 Same subject. Reports statement of minister for foreign affairs that Venezuelan war ships are compelled to capture any ship not duly cleared by Venezuelan consuls. 1063
Mr. Hill to Mr. Bowen (telegram) Apr. 25 Same subject. Takes exceptions to position of Venezuelan Government. 1063
Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay (telegram). 1902 Apr. 30 Same subject. Reports that Venezuelan Government protests against clearance of the Viking by United States consul at Port of Spain. 1063
Mr. Hill to Mr. Bowen (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to inform Venezuelan Government that the United States declines to recognize the closure of a port unless supported by an effective blockade. 1064
Mr. Hay to Mr. Bowen (telegram). May 3 Same subject. For reasons stated, instructs to request that the vessel be cleared with innocent cargo. 1064
90 Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay May 2 Same subject. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. 1064
92 Same to same Do Renewal of diplomatic relations between Venezuela and France. Incloses text of protocol. 1067
Same to same (telegram) May 4 Threatened seizure of the Viking. Reports that I clearance will be issued by Venezuelan consul. 1065
93 Same to same Do Same subject and tenor. Reports in detail 1066
99 Same to same June 1 Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. Reports consent of Venezuela. 1069
Mr. Hay to Mr. Bowen (telegram). June 13 Blockade by decree. Instructs to report if Orinoco River is blockaded. 1069
Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay (telegram). June 19 Same subject. States that minister for foreign affairs advises that Orinoco River is not blockaded. 1070
Same to same (telegram). June 29 Same subject. Reports that he has been notified of blockade of certain ports, but doubts its efficiency. 1070
105 Same to same Do Same subject. Incloses decree on lines of above telegram. 1070
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 15 Same subject. Reports that blockade is not effective. 1071
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 19 Same subject. Reports having outlined policy of United States in regard to blockade by decree. 1071
122 Same to same Sept. 7 Same subject and tenor 1071
81 Mr. Adee to Mr. Bowen Sent. 19 Same subject. Approves minister’s course. 1072
Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay (telegram). Sept. 24 Improper use of United States flag by Venezuelan gunboat Restaurador. Reports incident. 1072
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Reports reparation made by Venezuelan Government. 1072
127 Same to same do Same subject. Reports in detail 1073
82 Mr. Adee to Mr. Bowen Oct. 3 Same subject. Incloses report of commanding officer of U. S. S. Marietta regarding. 1074