Mr. Hay to Señor Quesada.

No. 28.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 27th ultimo advising the Department that Government has appointed consular officers in different places in America and Europe, who on their arrival at their posts have been directed to notify the respective United States consuls.

You express the thanks of your Government for the action of the United States consular officers in behalf of Cuban interests, and ask that it may be continued where no Cuban consular officers shall be appointed.

I take pleasure in inclosing copies of the Department’s circular issued to United States consuls in view of your note.

As to your request that the United States consular officers should, as far as practicable, deliver to the Cuban consuls all such documents as appertain to Cuba and are in their possession, I have the honor to point out that in performing duties for your Government our officers are acted merely as “consuls of the United States in charge of Cuban interests,” and not as “Cuban consuls,” and that the papers and documents pertaining to such acts are a part of the records of the United States consulates. Should, however, any particular papers be desired at any time, the United States consuls will be directed to furnish copies to the Cuban consuls.

Accept, etc.,

John Hay.
[Page 333]

Circular—Cuban interests.

To the Consular Officers of the United States.

Gentlemen: Referring to the Department’s circular instruction of July 21, 1902, requesting you to use your good offices in behalf of Cuban interests and Cuban citizens, pending the appointment of consuls by the Government of Cuba, I now have to inform you that under date of the 27th ultimo the minister of Cuba at this capital expresses the sincere thanks of the Republic of Cuba for the services rendered, and states that his Government has appointed consuls at various places in Europe and America, and that they are now on their way to their respective posts, each having been instructed to communicate on arrival with the United States consul there.

If no consuls of Cuba have been appointed in the country to which you are accredited, you will continue to discharge the duties ordinarily devolving upon Cuban consuls, in accordance with the circular instruction of July 21, 1902, until such officers are appointed.

I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant,

David J. Hill,
Acting Secretary.