- Establishment of independent government in Cuba. (Document 272)
- Message from the President of the United States commending timely
consideration of measures for maintaining diplomatic and consular
representatives in Cuba and for carrying out the provisions of the act
making appropriation for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1902. (Document 273)
- Reception of minister of the United States. (Documents 274–275)
- Resolution of United States Senate congratulating Cuban Republic on its
appearance among the nations of the world. (Document 276)
- Resolution of Cuban House of Representatives thanking Government and
people of the United States for assistance. (Documents 277–278)
- Announcement of establishment of Cuban Republic. (Document 279)
- Courtesies of Cuban Government on occasion of anniversary of independence
of the United States. (Documents 280–285)
- Protection of Cuban interests by United States consular officials. (Documents 286–293)
- Messages of the President of Cuba to Congress. (Documents 294–296)
- Ceremonies attending hauling down of United States flag at
Matanzas. (Document 297)
- Amnesty granted American citizens who committed crimes in Cuba during
intervention period. (Documents 298–299)
- Exclusion of Chinese from Cuba. (Documents 300–304)
- Suspension of tonnage dues on Cuban vessels. (Document 305)
- Diplomatic immunities: Testimony of United States diplomatic
representatives in foreign courts. (Documents 306–307)
- Accident to President Roosevelt. (Documents 308–309)
- Law establishing procedure for obtaining Cuban citizenship. (Document 310)
- Relations between Cuba and the United States. (Documents 311–313)