Mr. Adee to Señor
Department of State,
Washington, September 13,
No. 13.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your note of the 12th ultimo, representing the danger in
which citizens of Cuba find themselves during the conflict on the
Isthmus of Panama, and asking that instructions be sent to United States
consuls in Colombia directing them to exercise their good offices for
the protection of your fellow-countrymen.
In reply, I have the honor to say that instructions have been sent to the
consuls in Colombia as requested.
I inclose copy of the circular sent to United States consuls on July 21
last, directing them, so far as they should be permitted by the
Governments to which they are accredited, to discharge the duties
ordinarily devolving upon Cuban consular officers.
It is hoped that, acting under the instructions previously sent to them,
the United States consuls in Colombia are affording all proper
protection to Cuban citizens standing in need of it.
Accept, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
Circular—Cuban interests.
Department of State,
Washington, July 21,
To the Consular Officers of the
United States.
Gentlemen: In pursuance of instructions
already issued to you through the diplomatic representatives, at the
request of the President of Cuba, to use your good offices in
representation of the interests of Cuba and its citizens until Cuban
consuls shall have been appointed, I now have to inform you that you
are expected to discharge, so far as may be permitted by the
Governments to which you are accredited, the duties ordinarily
devolving upon Cuban consular officers. You will be guided by the
instructions in force with respect to consular duties for Cuba prior
to May 20, 1902, collecting fees for services performed, in
accordance with the tariff of United States consular fees. All fees
collected for services performed in pursuance of these instructions
are to be kept separate from fees collected for services rendered as
officers of the United States, and are to be remitted at the end of
each quarter to this Department, with proper returns in
I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
David J. Hill,
Assistant Secretary.