Señor Quesada to Mr. Adee.
Washington, August 12, 1902.
Sir: Dr. Ramon Neyra, a Cuban citizen, writes me from Panama to deplore the helpless condition of our fellow-citizens residing in the United States of Colombia, and the great peril to which they are exposed by reason of the state of war existing in that country.
By your valued note No. 10, dated July 16 last, I was informed that your Department was preparing instructions for the consuls of the United States, and that those instructions would be communicated to me; but that, in a general way, the authority given to the consular corps of your country for the temporary protection of Cuban interests abroad did not empower them to act as agents of Cuba, subject to instructions from the Cuban Government, but to use their good offices as intermediaries in all matters affecting Cuban citizens, and to report to your Department, which, in turn, would communicate with the Cuban Government; and that (it was added) any request from the Cuban Government would be transmitted to the proper consul of the United States for appropriate action.
Without any knowledge of the text of the instructions referred to in the said note No. 10, the note itself affords me sufficient ground to [Page 331] believe it my duty to ask that your excellency be pleased to instruct the consuls of your country in Colombia, and particularly the consul at Panama, that, in the exercise of their good offices, they protect the citizens of Cuba residing in that Republic, and prevent any wrong to which they may be subjected by the authorities in power in that territory.
I improve this opportunity, etc.,